3 years later...

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Ding. Clary's phone screen lit up with a notification, but it wasn't Clary who picked it up. "Ooo Jace has a surprise for you tonight!" said Izzy waving Clary's phone in the air. Laughing, Clary plucked the phone from her grip opening the message. A surprise huh? Do i get a clue? She replied. wear something nice. she smiled at her phone until Isabelle took it off her, throwing it  into the draw on her nightstand. "Okay, its already 5 so you might as well get ready now c'mon" She said, pulling Clary's arm and dragging her to the desk.

Jace stood outside the institute, leaning against the wall waiting for Clary. He was dressed in a standard black suite, which he hated because they were so uncomfortable but he was trying put some effort in. Then, the doors  opened and she walked out smiling beautifully in her short dark green dress and gorgeous red hair falling over her shoulders in curls. She was stunning. "Jace? Are you alright?" Said Clary walking over to him, looking concerned. He smiled, taking her hand and leading her down the steps, "Never been better." He said as they got into a cab. 

They got out the cab at an upscale restaurant and Jace took her by the waist while they walked inside. As they sat down he noticed that she was smiling at him but it wasn't her usual soft smile, it was as if she was mocking him. "What is it? You don't like it?" He asked feeling suddenly self conscious. Clary laughed, a kind, musical sound that instantly calmed him. "Your nervous, its funny." she stated. It was true, he was incredibly nervous. He had never even been on a date before because, well, he had never really felt this way about anyone and they had never had the time with work.  Jace laughed, shaking his head, "c'mon let's order, instead of making fun of me." She smiled, picking up the menu. They spent the next hour laughing and talking, enjoying the freedom they didn't usually get. Soon they had finished desert and Clary got up from her chair but Jace grabbed her hand, moving to stand in front of her, "Wait." Said Jace as he got down on to one knee in front of her, holding out a beautiful ring. 

Clary stared down a Jace, not hiding her shock. "Clary as soon as I met you I knew you were different. You caught my attention right from the start and I'm so glad I met you. Your beautiful and funny, and the bravest person I've ever met. If there is anyone I would want to spend the rest of my life with, it's you. Clary, will you marry me?" She couldn't believe what she was hearing, she knew Jace loved her, but she had never realised he loved her this much. She didn't even have to think about her answer, She had known Jace for 3 and a half years and they had been the best years of her life. "Yes." She whispered whilst pulling him up by his shirt and kissing him. The whole restaurant clapped and Clary buried her head in Jace's chest, embarrassed that everyone was listening. Then she felt a hand on her chin, forcing her to look upwards, into her fiances golden eyes. "Really?" She nodded, unable to speak.

A few months later 

Clary stood outside the huge double doors, alone. It made her think of her mother, not for the first time this week. She wished her mum could be with her today, well everyday, but especially today. A tear fell down her cheek and she was about to turn around when hands firmly grabbed on to her shoulders, shaking her, "Where are you going. " Said Isabelle, pulling a concealer out her bag and fixing Clary's makeup. "Now is not the time to be going anywhere. c'mon, i'll go out first and you follow okay?" she said. Clary nodded, smoothing the long, gold  fabric of her dress. Then, she heard the music start to play and her nerves took over, she was about to start panicking but Izzy grabbed her hand, silently telling her it was all going to be fine. Better than fine. The double doors opened and Clary, slowly, followed Isabelle down the aisle. There were rows of people sat on  both sides of her but the only thing she could really see was the beautiful blonde boy stood at the alter. Jace looked amazing and as she reached him she took his hands, smiling so bright she could've blinded him. "I love you" he whispered. She had heard these words a thousand times over the years, but hearing them now, at their wedding , made her hear flutter. "I love you too. And if there's a life after this, I'll love you then too." Jace smiled, and it was at this moment, Clary knew, this boy with the golden eyes, was hers.

The boy with the golden eyesWhere stories live. Discover now