Angels and Death

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Clary stood at the edge of lake Lynn next to her father, with at least thirty circle members behind them. Valentine, had the soul sword in one hand and the mortal cup in the other. She knew she couldn't fight him, she would be easily overpowered and probably killed. Since she couldn't fight him she decided to stall him, "Where's the mortal mirror?" she asked, genuinely confused. She saw the other two mortal instruments but the mirror was nowhere in sight. "The water, is a reflection Clarissa. The mortal mirror is lake Lynn" He replied. "Oh" was all she could manage say. She didn't know what to do, Jace should be here by now. "well let's get started shall we" Valentine said lowering the sword into the water. She stiffened not knowing what to do. She watched as he dropped the cup into the lake. before she could react a blinding light blanketed the land. It took around ten seconds for her vision to fully return and when it did she saw her father pouring his blood into the lake, standing before a huge, beautiful angel. Suddenly she heard Valentine scream in pain and looked to see an arrow sticking out of his shoulder, he had his back to her and the other circle members had turned in the direction where the arrow had come from. Clary took this as an opportunity and raised her dagger, but as she brought it down Valentine turned to face her and she connected with his other shoulder . He howled in pain and raised his own blade. The two battled against each other and Clary saw in the corner of her eye the circle members moving towards them but they were interrupted. Though there were four people battling the circle members, only one caught her eye. A boy with golden eyes. 

It had been around five minutes and Clary was still fighting Valentine one on one. She knew she was lucky to still be alive but she also knew her moves were all defence and no attack. If she had any chance of winning she needed to gain the upper hand. She tried to think of a way but before she could even start she heard a cry of pain. The voice was familiar and she snapped her hear around to find out if the person was okay but as she did she saw her mother drop to the ground, a pool of blood forming around her. Clary let out a cry of her own, but then she remembered Valentine and turned back to find out how he hadn't killed her while she was distracted. She saw a flash of gold and instantly knew what happened. Jace. He had come to her rescue once again.

They were now fighting two against one and Valentine was very clearly struggling. Clary and Jace fought together like they were born to fight side by side. Like they were born to be together. Clary was heartbroken about her mother but she was trying to stay strong, at least until the fight was over. Emotions cloud judgement. She couldn't get distracted, not now, or she might very well end up like her mum. Looking up, she saw that she had already gotten distracted. Jace and Valentine stood in the distance, facing off against each other. Then, she saw her father raise his blade, she moved to stop him, shouting a warning, but she was too far away and she watched as the blade pierced Jace's chest and he sank to the floor.  

There were tears rolling down her face but she didn't move to wipe them. Instead she reached to her weapons belt but rather than pulling out a blade, she took her stele. She had always been better at drawing runes than fighting. She looked at her dad and saw a shape forming. It was like a sun, but sort of disfigured. She had never seen it before but decided it was worth a shot. She drew it on the palm of her hand, using all her rage and pain to make it as strong as possible. when she finished it, a blast of light shot from her hand a hit Valentine.  Hitting him with such a force that be was thrown backwards. He hit the ground and was limp but Clary wasn't sure if he was dead or not. She turned to see if Izzy and Alec where okay but to her surprise the remaining circle members were fleeing, leaving the two siblings to mourn their adopted brother.

unsure about who to mourn Clary turned to the angel who was still hovering above the water "Clarissa Fairchild, I can sense there's something you wish to ask, so go ahead, but I warn you I will only give one wish, I am no genie." He said in a voice so loud she forced herself not cover her ears. She looked to her mother, lying in a pool of her own blood and then to Jace, the boy with the golden eyes. She knew she had a decision to make. 

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