Another Plan

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"Well go on Izzy, whats your brilliant plan?" Alec said, clearly not happy with their decision to not tell the Clave. "Okay well, Valentine said Clary was welcome to join them," Isabelle started, Clary watched as Jace narrowed his eyes at his adoptive sister, "So, she's going to call her mum, and Valentine will most likely answer again, so she'll tell him she wants to join him, convince him that she'll do anything to be with her mum." Jace looked furious as he spoke, "No, absolutely not, it's too dangerous, she could get hurt or killed and besides, she can't kill Valentine, all his followers and save Jocelyn on her own, not even I could do that." Isabelle smirked, "calm down, of course she won't have to do it on her own. She'll meet up with Valentine, and we will follow at a distance. Once we find out where Valentine has been hiding, Clary can distract him and we will find Jocelyn. Once we find her, we'll work together to kill him." That still didn't seem to reassure Jace, "It's still too risky, she could get killed." He argued. "Oh calm down, your not her boyfriend yet"  Isabelle laughed. Jace opened his mouth to defend himself but was cut off by  Alec, "Actually, I think that would work, and these will help." He walked over, carrying something he had taken out of a display case. It was a pair of rings, they were stunning but Clary couldn't tell how they would help them. "what do they do?" she asked. Alec smiled at her and explained, "They're seelie rings. They allow the two people wearing them to talk to each other through their mind. Like the silent brothers. Jace and Clary, you should wear them, that way Clary can let us know anything Valentine says and we can tell you if we find your mum." Izzy was grinning from ear to ear, "Great so we're all in agreement?"  Clary smiled despite how scared she was, "Well its the best idea we have." Alec who seemed to be the one less likely to agree also spoke, "I still think we should tell the Clave but if you aren't going to agree then this is the next best idea." All eyes turned to Jace, who looked as if he was making the biggest decision of his entire life, finally, he said, "Fine, but Clary, If anything, and I mean anything, goes wrong, you tell me and I'll come and we all get out of there."

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