Chapter 13

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"Princess, are you almost ready?" I stumble, struggling to put my sock on my foot. Ugh, this stupid sock! Who even invented socks? Why can't they just magically go on your feet? "Princess? Baby, we're going to be late."

Kai looks at me with a grin spread across his face as I lose my balance and plop on the bed. Finally! Now after socks it's... "Daddy have you seen my shoes?" Kai mumbles something about me being disorganized today, but I can't help it! Jonathan invited Kai and me over to have a play date with him and Olivia! I haven't seen her in like... forever!

Daddy hands me my shoes, and the sparks that fly between our fingers make my wolf purr inside. Kai lovingly brushing his thumb across my cheek with a dark hint evident in his eyes. I give him the same teasing look before he groans and walks out of the room, mumbling something about a cold shower.  I'm not sure what gotten into me or my wolf, but lately, all we've wanted is to cuddle and play with Daddy all day. So going out to spend time with my friend will be a good distraction from my mind in the gutter.

As we walk down the street pack members bow their heads in respect. Although most members hardly look my way, it no longer phases me. All I can think about today is all the fun things I want to talk about with Olivia.

Kai knocks on the door in front of us and I swear my heartbeat is louder than the thumping of his fist. I love spending time with Olivia because I can be myself around her, and she's a girl so we can talk about girl stuff. Not that I haven't tried to talk with Kai about suck things, but he just doesn't have good taste in men. Plus, I can tell his wolf gets a bit jealous when I talk about how beautiful Shawn Mendes is. But he's famous so he's practically not a real threat.

Jonathan's tall frame startles me out of my thoughts. His dirty blond hair is messy, as always, and he wears a simple grey t-shirt and ripped jeans, "Kai, glad you came! Hi, Miss Addie." He gives me a toothy grin, and I shyly wave back. Jonathan invites us inside and calls Olivia down.

"Okay, Addi-" I cut Kai off with a shrill squeak as Olivia skips towards me. I run towards Olivia, giving her a hug hello, and she pulls me towards the stairs.

"Addie..." A low growl of disapproval erupts from Kai, making me freeze. Oops.

I slowly make my way back and give Daddy a cheeky smile, "Yes Daddy?"

He only rolls his eyes and gives me a pointed look, "Be good."

"Otay Daddy!" With that Olivia and I ascend the flight of stairs full of giggles.

Her room isn't as big as mine but still amazes me. The pastel pink and gray décor makes it feel cozy. She walks around her room, searching for different items. She hums, picking up different stuffies and dolls, quickly as if she's on a mission. Are we not playing here?

"Uhhh, what are we doing?" Olivia only looks at me with a wide grin and hands me two stuffed bears.

"Follow me!" She marches down the steps, and I laugh following her actions.

We whisper, "March, march, march, march," in a sing-song voice trying not to disrupt the football game playing on the tv screen. As Olivia opens a door leading to a carpeted staircase, Jonathan calls out to us.

"Don't forget to clean up after yourself princess!"

"We will Daddy!" Olivia squeaks out before shuffling down the steps with me hot on her trail.

"Holy... guacamole..." I swear I could catch flies with how far my jaw dropped. This basement is huge! From the far back of the room, there is a bookshelf and a treehouse painted on the wall. Where the treehouse is painted, a pastel green curtain hangs in the middle of it, surely hiding a space to sit and read. There's a large white couch in front of a flatscreen tv on the wall, and to the left, there is a play market space and pizzeria. Above both areas there is "Little Pup's Corner Market" and "Olivia's Pizzeria" painted in cursive on the wall.

"It's official, we're always hanging out here!" Olivia only laughs at my statement and places all of her extra toys on the sofa.

"We haven't even gotten to the best part," Her devilish smile makes me nervous, but as she digs through her play pizza oven my curiosity and excitement get the best of me. She pulls out a large bang of sour gummy worms, and a pack of chocolate chip cookies making me gasp in amazement.

"I snuck them down here just for us today!" We sit behind the counter and break open the forbidden sweets. The cookies crumble and practically melt in my mouth, and I swear it tastes like heaven.

We delve into the sweets and talk about randomthings about life. I look at her seriously as I pop another worm in my mouth, "Okayserious question... who's cuter: Shawn Mendes or Nick Jonas?" 

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