Chapter 31

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Kai's POV

"Do you want eggs and toast for breakfast?" We make our way to the kitchen, with my baby girl glued to my hip. Literally. I spent the first day home in our pack hospital and Jonathan had to make a bed for Addison because she refused to leave my room. Now, for the past three days she's spent glued to me.

She silently nods her head. "Fried or scrambled, hm?" I ask in hopes that she'll take that thumb out of her mouth and answer me just so I can hear her beautiful voice, but I know it's a long shot. She only squeezes my shirt twice with her free hand making me sigh.

"Scrambled?" She nods and I get to work. She's been deep into little space for the past four days. Not that I don't love seeing my girl little and taking care of her, but this is a part of her headspace I haven't seen before. She's quiet. Hardly makes a noise unless it's a whimper from crying for me to hold her. She also refuses to see Xavier. I tried taking her into the room the doctor set up for Xavier in our house the first night we returned, but she slipped out of my grasp and hid in her playroom till bedtime.

But I know she sees him when she thinks I don't notice. I can feel her little body leave our bed in the middle of the night. At first I thought she was just restless. But the second time I followed her to watch her cuddle up to Xavier with tears streaming down her face. It breaks my heart knowing what she may be feeling. I just keep wishing Xavier will finally wake up and she'll know she doesn't have to beat herself up over this whole thing.

"Knock knock!" Jonathan sings as he waltzes in with arms full of groceries. What'd I do without my best friend, I'm not sure. He's certainly been a life saver helping out during all of this.

Little Olivia's head pops from behind Jonathan surprising me. I don't think I've seen her at all since Addison was taken. Jonathan said she was taking Addison's disappearance hard. She blamed herself for letting Addison sneak out to see her, which we found out was probably because of the situation with Delilah. Which I still have yet to address with Addison.

When Addison notices Olivia, she giggles and claps fill the air. It takes me by surprise but fills my heart with joy knowing my baby girl is still capable of her adorable happy giggles.

Oliva squeals and gives her a tight hug making Addie giggle some more. Addie tugs on my shirt with pleading eyes, surely wanting to go play.

"Uh-uh, you need to finish your breakfast first princess." She huffs with a pout but one raise of my eyebrow and she gently pulls Olivia to sit next to her while I feed her the last of her breakfast.

Jonathan and Olivia spend most of the day over here and I haven't seen Addison so energetic in a long time. Jonathan and I are finally able to catch up on some pack duties as we watch over Addison and Oliva through the baby monitor.

Currently they're having a tea party. Olivia doesn't seems to mind Addison's silence as she talks enough for the both of them and all of the stuffies attending their party.

The sound of a yawn catches both Jonathan's and I's attention. Our eyes snap to the little screen on my desk to see both of out little girls rubbing their eyes.

Jonathan chuckles, "Well that's our que."

We both clean up the paperwork scattered across the office and make our way to the girls. Olivia is leaning her head against her hand mumbling out gibberish, determined to keep playtime going. Addison whines laying her head against Mr. Pebbles looking at me with heavy eyes. I reach out to her and she returns the action, telling me she's ready for nap time.

My little girl's light as a feather, which also has me on edge. I didn't fully take in how sick she looked until we came home. The bags under her eyes were almost a nightmarish purple and her clothes barely fit. Her eyes have become brighter, but still not as lively as they have been.

I'm thankful Jonathan brought Olivia over. They both needed it. And I was ecstatic to see Addison act like herself again for the day. I wipe away the loose waves of her hair that tickled her nose as she tries to sleep. Maybe it's time for a haircut for the princess.

My wolf growls in protest, which is the most I've heard from him since we've returned, as I leave our sleeping angle in our bed. She looks like she's sprawled over a sheet of fluffy clouds, certainly belonging to the heavens above. I take one long look at my baby girl, before turning on the baby monitor connected to my phone, and leaving her to sleep.

My footsteps are heavy as I walk through the empty halls. It's eerily quiet and sends a shiver down my spine. I feel like the door inches farther and farther away as I walk towards it. As if this time when I open the door things will be different. I won't see my brother, my best friend, my role model half dead on a hospital bed.

The wounds themselves have nearly healed, only leaving nasty bruises around each bite mark. The doctor said he should be healed and looking good as new, but something is holding back his wolf's healing abilities. Maybe it's the wolf's bane. That's the doctor's best guess. Or maybe it's the same thing that's been keeping my bones sore and sleep minimal. Maybe it's the same reason no matter how wide our baby smiles, or how much she eats, she looks like she could break in my hold. Maybe it's what's keeping our wolves deep in the back of our minds, quiet, with little motivation to come out. Maybe the lack of sparks and the hovering idea that our mate bond is shattered is keeping him from being able to get out of this damn room.

"Jonathan and Olivia came today. You should've seen how happy Addison was. Jonathan said Olivia was taking Addison's disappearance pretty hard too. So I think it was great for the both of them. She still doesn't talk... No matter how hard I try. Not even little one syllable words. I miss her sweet little voice. Alpha of the Silver Moon Pack left a message this morning. Checking up on Addison," I can't stop the growl that escapes my throat and I'm sure if Xavier was awake he'd throw a shit fit, "He want's to pay his regards, and speak to us personally. He's an idiot. But we could use them as allies. If they hadn't ripped our lives apart I wouldn't hesitate on considering the option. But it's also not supposed to be my decision to make. Plus we need to properly thank all of our allies which helped us while we fought Silver Moon..."

I try to hold back the tears of frustration. I feel pathetic. I'm supposed to be the strong and level headed one. But with my wolf on silent, my mate feeling like she's miles away, and my brother in here for saving me... "I need you Xavier. I can't- I can't do this without you man."

I'm not sure how long I sat in that room. Till my clothes reeked of cleaning alcohol and I felt like I was sitting in a fridge from how cold it is in here. I'm half asleep then I hear a groan. His eyes squint shut, nearly screwing up his stitches on his brow. I'm frozen. I can't even answer him when his raspy voice fills the room.

"Where is she?"

As if fate was calling her towards this room, our sleepy angle is rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, tears down her face as she is obviously looking for me. As she lifts her eyes, her stuffie drops to the floor, completely forgotten.


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