Chapter 18

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Tomorrow night is the big night! Xavier should finally be home! Today is cleaning day, and it's not something I'm looking forward to. Last night, Kai and I had a little fun, doing a bit more than cuddling, meaning we went to bed a little past our bedtime. So waking up at 11 this morning was a completely not in our schedule. Kai told me I need to clean up the bedroom, and he'll work on the downstairs. Then when we're done we can bake cookies for tomorrow!

I change the sheets to the yellow and grey ones Dada let me buy a few weeks ago for our bed. I giggle at the shock on Xavier's face when I showed him. He only grumbled saying he was thankful there were no polka dots or flowers which made me huff. He can be so plain sometimes!

After making the ginormous bed and picking up all my stuffies that need to go back to my playroom, the elephant in the room slowly creeps up to haunt me. I glare at the tarp and rice which was left over from last night. I guess this was also a part of my punishment, making me clean up the evil corner of doom.

I shake off the thought of cleaning it up, and head to the bathroom to grab the dusting supplies. Maybe dusting a little bit wont hurt. Then I can reorganize Daddies' desk. After reorganizing the desk, dusting all the wood, sweeping the floor, and rearranging the couches, the last thing on my daunting list is that stinking tarp. I know I can't avoid it forever. I've already spent over an hour doing anything but the task I was mainly given.

"Princess, I'm almost ready down here if you are." Kai calls in a sing song voice making me squeal in excitement. I love, love baking! Especially with Kai, he always want to have a dance party bake-off, making everything ten times more exciting!

I can hear the music begin to play from the kitchen making me even more antsy. I huff up all the courage I can muster, and pick up the plastic container Dada told me to dump the rice into. I quickly pour the rice into the plastic bowl and carelessly fold the tarp, putting it on top. I top it off with the lid then rush down the stairs, not caring to look to see if I spilt any rice. Whatever I missed I'll be sure to pick up after cookies.

"Here you go Dada!" I proudly hand him the container of rice, and he praises me for cleaning it all up.

"You ready to dance your little booty off?" I give my goofy daddy a big thumbs up and music begins to blast through the kitchen.

As "It's Tricky" comes to an end, I'm out of breath and Kai has to huff out a laugh through his heavy breathing. Flour covers both of our faces and most of the floor. So much for cleaning up beforehand. Now we'll certainly have to clean more tomorrow morning. The oven beeps alerting us that the cookies are finally done. I squeal and do a mini happy dance, but most of my energy was wasted on our hours of dancing and singing challenges.

The jiggling sound of our door makes Kai and I both look at the direction of the door, confused. I step closer, ready to peak across the wall, but Kai pulls me behind him protectively. He shuts off the music, creating even more tension in the air. But the smell of crisp rain fills the air making me squeak.

"Daddy!" I wiggle out of Kai's loose grip, and run over to the front door into the arms of my other mate.

"Ah, there's my baby!" He wraps me in into a tight embrace and twirls me once before setting me down. He never lets go of me, however, just looks at me like I'm the only thing in this world to look at.

"Well, brother, you're home early." Kai crosses his arms and tries to fight of the creeping smile on his face.

"I decided one little pit stop wasn't going to keep me from my princess any longer. I left straight from the meeting to here." Does mean he didn't sleep?

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