Chapter 28

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I was listening to this song while writing this chapter. I thought I'd share with you how I was feeling. Love you, and maybe keep some tissues nearby...

Addison's POV

Jaxon's soft hand wraps in mine as we follow my father inside. I watch as he sits sliding Jaxon's mug towards him and he pours a spoonful of sugar in mine.

"I forget honey, how many spoonful's do you use?" He looks at Jaxon with a happy smile on his face, "She's always had such a sweet-tooth."

"I can make my own coffee." I huff out, trying to see through his façade.

"Addison..." Jaxon looks at me surprised, but my father brushes it off like a piece of lint.

"Oh, it's fine. Here, you can scoop the sugar yourself."

He slides the mug and sugar towards me. I pout and slouch in my chair. Well now I don't wanna. I scoop another spoonful, and slowly pour it into my cup of joe.

"I'm just so glad you were finally feeling up to leaving that room of yours. I trust the two of you had a pleasant evening?" Who is this guy? He's talking as if I was in bed with a stomach bug. Acting as if he didn't kidnap me and lock me in my room for months.

"It was just dandy till you got here." I can't stop the thought from slipping past my lips as I go to take a sip of my coffee. My father scowls.

"Now that's real mature Addison. Have I not raised you better than to have such a snarky mouth?" I slam my mug down making Jaxon's eyes widen. Before I can muster up the courage to rebuttal, my father's eyes cloud over. His face turns sour making both me and Jaxon look at each other confused.

He stands up abruptly and a frustrated growl escapes his lips, startling me. Jaxon notices my jump, and gives my hand a squeeze. The action should fill my heart with joy, but it only makes the lump in my throat grow.

"What's going on Gamma Taylor?"

My father looks like a deer in headlights, but he soon turns to a fox, "Oh nothing Alpha. The new trainees are having difficulties with boarder patrol. So simplistic, I'm almost getting tired of trying to get it through their thick skulls."

The sick smile on his face only makes his statement sounds more menacing. Jaxon offers to help with patrol, but my father quickly denies, "Oh no, I'll go deal with it myself. You enjoy your day off with Addison."

And just like that, he's gone. Leaving me alone with Jaxon.

Jaxon takes another sip of his coffee, reminding me of the cup going cold in front of me. Although the sight of my father nearly made me lose my appetite, I'd hate for a treasure like coffee go to waste.

As if the universe doesn't want to give me peace to enjoy my coffee, a new voice breaks into the air.

"Ooh coffee!" Dustin snatches the mug surprising both me and Jaxon.

"Heyyyy... that's mine..." I huff, suddenly becoming irritable. I just want my coffee.

"Ew, no thanks then." Dustin hands me my coffee and snatches Jaxon's instead. Jaxon looks at Dustin baffled.

"What the fuck man?" Despite the profanity and surprise, Jaxon can't help himself from laughing.

"What? It's not my fault Addison makes her coffee wayyy too sweet. I swear it's like drinking straight syrup." So not true!

"Oh come on man, that's not true." Jaxon takes my mug from the table before I can, taking a sip.

He coughs and groans placing an unsettled feeling in my gut. "Shit, Addison, did you put salt in your coffee or what? I'm sorry but that-" he coughs once more as if he choked on something bad, "That is one bad cup of joe."

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