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It was the next night and Draco had carefully constructed a plan calculating all the routes and possible obstruction for the mission. Of course, a Malfoy doesn't play around with timing and schedule.

He sat in his bed his eyes on his watch intently, he was at the same time trying to soak in what he was about to do. His smartwatch beeped, indicating that his mum was asleep. He felt his heart jolt in excitement. 


 Malfoys do not get excited their heart rate just increases. 

He thought of trying to compose himself. Although no father was in Azkaban he still left an impression on him. He pulled the red book and slipped into his office before slipping into his glass tube to get changed into gear it was going to be a wild night.He wore his camo bandana and he was ready. Draco had to admit he looked pretty hot in his spy gear.After marvelling himself for a few minutes he refocused. He had one night to save Harry and he didn't want to mess it up.

First:  getting out of the Malfoy Mansion

The Malfoy mansion had pretty crappy security for such a big arse mansion but none dared to even try to break in because they were scared to. This meant an easy escape for Draco. Reaching for his utility belt he grabbed his wand and stood on the frame of his window looking down at the guards

"Petrificus totalus," he muttered he watch as many of the guards groaned and stopped moving.

He cast a quick temporary memory spell to make sure they forget seeing him completely.

"Grappilonificus," he said still quietly as he watched a green light come out from his wand and act as a grappling hook onto a tree just outside the manor.

Draco took a deep breath a swung out of his room he felt the wind whistling through his ears and hitting it. In the face, in a way it was refreshing to Draco, he came back to reality and landed onto turf just outside the manor sticking his landing with a roll and a steadying pose.

He smiled to himself as he walked away from the manor onto one of the main paths.
He grabbed a rock and transfigured it into a motorbike, this should be fun.

Hopping on the sliver and ivy green motorbike he set out to find the night bus. He enjoys the rush of adrenaline that went through his body and the wind whistling through his ears and the blood dripping down his leg. WAIT, WHAT ?!?!?!?!??!

Draco let down his guard for two seconds and now he had blood on his leg. He looked behind him to a jet-black bike pointing a wand at him. He could faintly make out a sharp face and a badge saying TAWV (the association of wizarding villains)

"I've got you now WA Draconis," a woman drawled as we started to fire spells at Draco

"do you though?" he said standing on his bike and toppling over some trash cans to try and obstruct her.

He sped up winding around a corner with jaw-breaking speed,

"you're going to have to try harder than that WA Draconis," the woman cackled "Confrigo!" she screeched making Draco fly off his bike

He rolled on the floor and winced a the fresh-cut that made a long gash over his nose.

"this bitch," Draco said to himself getting up swiftly "two can play this game,"

"confrigo," he shouted making the woman fall off her bike, did she really think she was the only one who could blow up a bike, she darted for Draco gaining in on him and pushing him up to a brick wall.

"your time has com-,"

"Listen bitch, I have work to do so can we skip the villain speech and cut the crap?" Draco asked nonchalantly before taking his foot and pushing her back, to which she turned around swishing her long purple coat.

"ugh," she scowled before trying to throw a punch which was quickly caught in Draco's fist

"if you wanted me to catch your knuckles you should have said," from there he threw her over his shoulder making her land on the floor with a thud but quickly bounce back up.

"you're just a kid!" she growled.

"This kid is about to kick your ass," Before the woman could answer Draco gave her a roundhouse kick straight to the jaw.

"I can't believe I let my new Prada boot touch your face," he said getting out his hand sanitizer and rubbing it on his boot before he made her take one last blow to the head.

"I have three things to tell you, one: get a job, two: get a haircut because this doesn't make you look edgy and three: purple doesn't belong with green, just makes you look like a deformed grape. have a nice day hon," Draco said with fake sweetness before stepping over her body.

After rubbing his gloves furiously with hand sanitizer he checks his watch, 60 seconds to catch the night bus.

"grappilonificus," he said before he swung over the house, he saw a purple flash, the night bus.

He decided to wing it, after gaining some momentum jumping off a house and landing narrowly on the bus.

"aced it," he said to himself before turning the grappling feature on his shoes on. Potter better be grateful for this, he thought before quickly arriving in muggle London.

Operation:Save Potter (DRARRY spy au)Where stories live. Discover now