Sorry could you repeat that?

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Harry's POV

I think I broke Draco.

He hasn't called me a prat in the last hour.

And that's saying something

I guess I could finally shut him up.

"So this is where you work?" I asked trying to make him gloat or at least talk,

"mhm," he replied as he guided me to the entrance. Still nothing just an 'mhm'

"how I am gonna get in," I enquired know he had to answer me

He silently handed me a pass as he went to get his ID and scanned it along with his fingerprint and face recognition and let me walk through. Damn, he won't even answer a question.

" Draco say something this is killing me," I said getting slightly desperate.

"What do you want me to say Harry?, I have nothing to say," he said the same lost expression on his face and not even shouting, looking me dead in the eye before turning away and going to sit on the leather seats.

I sighed as I slumped next to him in the waiting room. I guess he had a point, I looked around seeing the lights and countless picture of people who whore medals of bravery or skill etc.

"WA Draconis, WC Jinx is ready to see you," a desk attendant said not looking up from whatever the hell those desk attendants are always typing.

WA Draconis does sound pretty cool I wonder what mine would be.. lion? no...

"Mr Potter!," A woman said in a thick Russian accent and with a tight bun.

I nodded in acknowledgement before sitting next to Draco.

"WA Draconis, excellent job on your first mission, I must say you did it quite cleanly, we will get some muggle police up in the Dursley's house to arrest them and hope Mr Potter is ok,"

I nodded and glanced over at Draco before putting my hands in my lap not quite sure what to do with them.

"It was quite an easy mission commander I only got a gash on my nose," he said motioning to his nose

"I can imagine WA Draconis,"

How did I not notice that before? he had a long gash from the corner of his right eye, over the bridge of his nose? I had to admit he looked quite badass,  but still.

"Since Mr potter is in your hands I can assign you your next mission right now,"

Draco seemed to sit forward in his seat, I don't why I was still here though,"

"I need you to look after Mr Potter until further notice," she said smiling

I chocked on my saliva what?

" Sorry WC Jinx could you repeat that?" Draco said also shocked.

"Since you already know Mr potter and you have your own accommodation as I have discussed WC Mist  we think it might be best if he stays with you until the whole backlash of the war passes over,"

"Is there no other option?"

"I'm afraid not," she said sensing the awkwardness

"Ok Commander," he said as I detected the defeat in his voice,"

"You can use the company card for Mr potters needs, that will be all,"

I got up and followed Draco out of the room to the hallway. How the hell was I meant to live with my enemy for ages? not when I hate his guts. I look at Draco who has the same blank expression that he's had for the last 3 hours.

"so Harry lets go to your new home right?" he said forcing a smile before signing for me to follow him.

"so you finally decide to speak?"

"would you rather I don't talk potter ?"

"ok, ok, fine," I said pulling the sleeves of Draco's jacket over my hands

-Time skip -

Draco's POV

I transfigured a rock into my motor bike again and got on.

"Are you gonna stand and stare or are you actually going to get on?" I said as I watched Harry get on the back of my bike and hold onto my shirt with his pinching fingers as if I was a dirty sock, I rolled my eyes and speed up and then suddenly breaked forcing Harry to grab my waist,

"Hey, Malfoy better not kill me," Harry said panic still evident in his voice.

"Then you better hold on tight," I said as I pulled his hands tightly around my waist, horrified to find I was essentially pulling two bones around my waist, I had to make sure I fed him, I wonder if he can feel my heart beating really fast feelings are really har-

"so are we gonna move or what," he said impatiently.

"oh yeah," I replied coming back to my senses. I revved up my bike and started to speed down the road to my apartment.

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