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“Where do you think he could’ve gone?” the child asked.

“Tch, why should we care about him?” a second child said, they both had similar features to each other. Twins. Their only differences were their hairstyles and demeanor. 

The older of the twins was Zhao Wu, and the younger is Zhao Si. They were born at the same time, but Zhao Wu still wanted to be called as the eldest.

The wooden shed was far from the best place to be able to fend themselves off from the biting cold, there is remnants of a fire

A shiver was heard from the farthest edge of the shed, the person in question was already struggling to sit up, swaying slightly from suddenly getting up. The twins scrambled up to support him.

“Qi-ge! The doctor told you that you shouldn’t get up!” one twin said.

“...thank you, Zhao Shi, Zhao Wu” his voice was parched from not drinking for long. Everything felt… so cold.

Yue Qi conceded, laying back down on the hay filled pillow. But he still takes his time to look around the shed, trying to find someone.

“...Xiao Jiu… Where is he?” he finally asks

“Bah! He’s probably off to play with those brothel ladies!” Zhao Wu said. In which Zhao Si sighs and scolds his supposed older brother.

“Gege, don't be so mean. A-Jiu has been working hard these days.” Zhao Si countered.


“Settle down now.” Yue Qi suddenly said, interrupting their fight before they had even started. His speech was slurred, but it was said with enough tone for them to quickly quiet down.

“Zhao Wu, why don't you buy us some more food.”

“....Alright, Qi-ge.”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2020 ⏰

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