Insert Clichè Title Here Pt. 1

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The library was silent, safe for the sounds of brush strokes and pages being flipped. Quiet as it should be. The smell of paper and ink lingers in the air. Sunlight shone through the circular window, casting its ardent rays near the sitting form, his position ever so slightly grazing the ray, yet never basking in it.

Shen Yuan turned the pages of the book, small but elegant fingers lazily turned the delicate paper.

Even as he transmigrated into another world if there is one thing he couldn't escape...

It's homework

One would've thought that with transmigrating, they could easily avoid this damned thing;

but no.

He groaned. Tapping the end of his brush to the table, as he would with a pen. If the paper ever achieved sentience, it would surely go burn itself under the hateful gaze of Shen Yuan.

The calligraphy, graceful as it is, was messy. And the random splotches in the middle of the supposedly thin lines made it worse. Brush in hand, he tried again. This time, writing faster and more confidently, brows furrowed in concentration.

It took a while to finish when it did, however, he marveled at his work, placing the brush down on the edge of the inkstone.

[Ding! +10 points]


[Host's account balance is now at 245 points! Keep up the good work!]

Shen Yuan crossed his arms,
"Tch, I've been here for like what, seven years already? Only 200 ish points?"

He complained under his breath, complaining about the nonsensical point system. Sure his consciousness was only achieved about two years ago; but, two years is a long time! Surely it would generate at least some more points than two hundred, it was only a hundred off from this starting point!

[Hmmph! This system is rather generous actually! Character backstories don't usually have the points system on!]

The system retaliates with its voice, it not being computerized, as usual, a glitch maybe? He's not sure; but still, it speaks in neither feminine nor masculine voice.

"And what does that make? To buy more of those bullshit scenario pushers?"

Ah, the scenario pushers, overpriced and absolutely stupid, ranging from the ceiling suddenly falling for no goddamn reason to suddenly changing weather in a matter of seconds! Where was the logic! Gone poof just like airplane's sense of world-building?

Yes, it did get him out of trouble, but it makes no god damned sense! Rocks coil fall out of the sky! A random deus ex machina flower could bloom out of nowhere! What else could happen under circumstances like that!? 1000 points were the standard price for these scenario pushers, ridiculously overpriced! And don't even try the deluxe ones! Overpriced bullshit that's even shittier than the normal one!

Shen Yuan had tried a free demo once, the so-called "generous system" offered it once,

He remembered it like it was yesterday.

....wait no, it was, quite literally, a couple of days ago.


"Fuck fuck fuc-"

A roar sounded out from the background interrupting his cursing, grass crunching under his feet as Shen Yuan ran as fast as his little feet could carry him. Sounds of stomping following closely behind, a bigger animal that ran even faster than him. Their distance grew smaller by the second.

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