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Italics means solo camera interview

They were underway with their survival show and this was their first evaluation. They had practised for hours on end for this moment. Panting, out of breath, they stood in a line, awaiting the verdict of the one and only JYP. Jiah was situated next to Jeongin, their pinkies interlocked. JYP cleared his throat before he decided to speak.

He explained how the company had nothing to do with the forming of Stray Kids until that moment, and how he would remove a member that would be burdensome for the team that Chan was creating.

'I'm really sorry but....I hope you can all understand that there is no choice but to eliminate them.' Everyone stood still, Jiah tightening her grip on Jeongin's finger ever so slightly.

[Jisung]' There are 10 of us, our target was all 10 members debuting, we even promised to protect ourselves to stay as 10. It's just...I keep thinking about what we should do just if by any chance one member has to drop out from the team'

[Changbin] 'It's just impossible that someone is eliminated...even if we can please PD-nim's expectation...We have shown our teamwork together as 10...he can consider that....no one should be eliminated.

[Woojin] 'I really hope no one gets eliminated...I'd rather hear that more members are announced as eliminated nominees because its an irreversible situation if someone is eliminated right away....I hope no one gets eliminated'

[Jiah] 'the idea of elimination is stupid. We have all worked hard and trained together and we planned to continue to do so. We started as 10 and we should end this as 10, no matter what.'

JYP picked up his mic to speak again. 'The eliminated member is....Jiah'

Jeongin's jaw dropped and he looked at Jiah, his pinky tightening. Tears welled in her eyes and she tucked her lips into her mouth to prevent herself from crying. She nodded, accepting the verdict. JYP walked over to her as she stepped forward. She nodded along with what he was saying but it didn't register. White noise filling her ears. Once he had left, Jeongin immediately pulled her into a hug. He had become quite close to her in the short time they were together and he just couldn't believe it. Felix was next to come over, tears already spilt down his cheeks and more were coming as he brought her into a hug. Once she was in his embrace she broke down and her knees buckled slightly. She repeated the words 'I'm sorry....I'm really sorry' as she sobbed. They all came over one at a time and cried with her in their embrace before they walked away to cry some more....all but Minho.

She saw he was sat on the floor in tears and walked over to her newly appointed father figure. She knelt next to him where he brought her into his arms and they just cried.

'I'm sorry I failed you baby. I should have helped more with everything.' She just shook her head at his words.

The boys let them have a minute alone. Once Jiah released Minho she went to have some time with Felix and Chan before she left. Felix was first.

'I'm so sorry Lixie, sorry I failed you especially when you gave me this awesome opportunity to debut and meet the most wonderful people I know. I will be grateful for this experience. You have to promise me you will still come to our Fajita Friday nights.' Felix nodded whilst they both cried. 'You're my best friend Lix and I am with you until the end of the line, whether it be right next to you or right behind you.'

'I'm with you until the end of the line Jiah.' She nodded and they hugged a tiny bit longer before she let go and walked to Chan. She took his hands in hers and looked up to him.

'Chan oppa, where do I start. I Want to thank you first for allowing me to be in the group and for helping me get this far. I'm sorry I let you and the team down. You have worked so hard to get this far, don't let this get you down as it was my fault. I didn't train hard enough. I just hope you know how grateful I am.'

She kissed his cheek before she left.

[Jiah]' There are many things people regret in their life. People regret it when they fail at something but I don't regret Stray Kids, not one bit. I know now that I have to train harder to get to the level to debut. I want to apologise once more to everyone for letting them down but I will be rooting for them all the way. Stray Kids Fighting!!!!!'

Stray Kids 9th member Where stories live. Discover now