Jiah's Relationship with the boys

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Woojin and Jiah don't really have a relationship. At the start he was very protective. Not wanting her to do anything taxing that could harm her but after a while he withdrew from chatting to her and now ignores her.


Baby girl was MADE for Jiah. He didn't know about her at first but when Felix had suggested her during the survival show, he had to agree. They have a close bond, due to the fact they aren't fully Korean. Jiah looks up to Chan so much. He trained for so many years and never gave up and that thought is what pushes her to never give up. Jiah calls him Roo, from Winnie the Pooh.


Minho is such a dad figure to her. He babies her so much. Jiah absolutely adores Minho. Jiah doesn't have a good relationship with her family so this fluff ball took it upon himself to 'adopt' her. His cats love her to bits too and whenever they go round to see them, he jokes that they might as well be her cats. He full-on calls her 'my baby' and she calls him 'minho appa'.


Changbin calls her sunshine, this contrasts the 'dark binnie' that Jiah so affectionately dubbed him one day. Known as the light and dark duo. Changbin is one that she is close to. He helps her with her rap sections in songs as she likes his rapping skill as it all flows naturally. He is an older brother to Jiah and a protective one of that. When Jiah was speaking to Hua at an award show, Renjun had come up and wanted to say hello too but Changbin stared him down and Renjun just stuck by Hua's side saying nothing.


Hyunjin is another one who adores her. He is fully prepared to just carry her to his bed and tuck her up so she can stay with him forever. Hyunjin is so sweet with her. He can go from talking loudly with the others but switching to his 'Jiah Voice' as soon as she walks in. Endless supply of hugs for her. He treats her like a princess, if she has a bag and he sees her carrying it, he will not hesitate to carry it for her. He calls her princess and Jiah calls him Jinnie.


Jiah struggled to speak to Jisung at first. She was jealous of him since he seemed so perfect at everything and made it seem effortless whereas she struggles so much. It wasn't until Jisung brought up the fact that she basically ignored him that she felt immensely guilty as she isn't normally like that. She apologised profusely for a week and made sure to do his chores, but by Wednesday he had forgiven her and took to hugging her when he saw her. They are now Thick as thieves and end up napping together in the studio. He gets called Squirrel or Sungie and she gets called Chipmunk,


Felix was the first friend Jiah made when she joined JYP. She never spoke to the female trainees as they all seemed like a tightly knit group and she didn't want to intrude. They bonded at their lack of Korean skills and studied together and still do on Wednesdays. They like to tell each other about where they are from and Jiah was so happy for Felix went they went to Australia. Jiah calls Felix 'Dingo' and he calls her Peaches as according to him, Jiah smells like peaches.


Jiah and Seungmin have a love-hate relationship. He can insult her but the moment someone else does he is already squaring up. Seungmin is another protective brother that Jiah never had but is glad she has now. Seungmin has a more discreet way of looking after her. Whilst the others are more hands-on with Jiah, he helps by observing and replacing what she is running out of. She was sad one day and whilst the others were cheering her up, Seungmin went out to buy her favourite bubble bath so she could have a relaxing bath. Jiah calls him 'Puppy Min' and she gets called 'Kitty Ji' but only in private. When out in public they just call each other by name.


Jeongin is by far her favourite person, aside from Minho. She absolutely adores him. Jeongin is the same way with her. Jeongin can go from shouting at Seungmin to doting on Jiah in 0.127 seconds. Jiah and Jeongin are basically inseparable and during the night Jiah will go to Jeongin's bed to sleep. Fans ship this pair so much. They call each other baby but occasionally Jiah calls him Baby Fox.

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