Group Introduction

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Italics means English

Jiah was in the practice room, running some vocal warm-ups before she prepped for the showcase. JYP had decided to host a survival show and she knew she wanted in. Today was her lucky day as her best friend/brother from another mother burst in.


She returned the enthusiasm in her response


"I have news that will change your life forever!"

He gave a pause for dramatic effect but she gave him a look to say 'get on with it.

"Okay, so a friend of mine, Chan, has the opportunity to make a group and I was invited. He is looking for others and I just so happened to mention you."

She gaped at him shocked.

"So you're saying?"

He just nods. She squeals in delight, going over to hug him.

"But there is a catch..." he continues. "You have to meet the others immediately and you will also be the youngest."

She lets out a groan at the prospect of being the youngest.

"That means I use honorifics for everyone including you."

He smirks smugly.

"Well actually there is someone born in the same year as you but he is still older," and she groans again. "Well at least I don't need to use honorifics for him"

Felix just chuckles before taking her hand in his. "Let's go introduce you to Chan then." He lead her to Chan's room and knocked on the door hearing a 'come in' faintly. Felix then opened the door and Chan span around in his swivel chair to face the people at the door with a smile. Jiah smirked and held in a laugh as he looked look an evil villain, the only thing he was missing was a cat to stroke.

Chan looked at her and then Felix before stating, "ah this must be the girl you were talking about. The one you claimed was an astounding vocalist?"

Felix hid his blush at the fact he was outed by Chan for hyping his friend up. "I also mentioned she was a good dancer but rapping is not her forté." Chan smiled at Jiah.

"Lix here has shown me some of your stuff and I must say I am mighty impressed. The fluidity you move with and the vocal strength is amazing. It would be a waste to not have you in our group but that is if you want to. I don't want to force you"

Jiah smiles and shook her head. "I would be honoured, to join the group." Her words caused Chan to clap once and smile wider.

"So it's settled, Jiah is joining our ragtag bunch of talented people. The only issue is we do need to practice so tomorrow will be a busy day of practising our routine and introducing you to everyone. Is that okay?" Jiah smiled and nodded. She then bowed with Felix and left

Once they shut the door, Jiah squealed in happiness and hugged Felix. She kissed he cheek causing him to laugh as she skipped down the hallway. She was ecstatic as she might get to debut. Overall, for Jiah, today was the greatest day.

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