Chapter 9

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This beautiful conversation had converted their animosity into a new love saga.
Cold breeze was tickling their bodies and their closeness was tickling their heart. They both realised how wrong they had been thinking about each other and the thing they share in common after their first breakup (that was nothing but pains).

She ask him a favor that " he shouldn't allow their co workers to know of their relationship now, no more talking during office hours, only phone calls. Sufyan smile while nodding his head (sign that he accept her demands).

They continue to be like this, but Zainab was feeling unwell, thinking that, she didn't do justice to Sufyan after all his confessions, and she began to see signs that Yusrah, her mates at work place started showing interest on him and she can't help that. She immediately picked up her phone and dial his number. Phone beeps, then followed by his gentle voice "Hello my dear" he praise her for some minutes just to make her feel highly recommended. " Dear, am sorry, we can now talk freely".

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Zainab and Sufyaanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें