chapter 2

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The sun slowly rises after hours of staring, hours of silence and dryness.

Like an unwanted guest, the vast ombre of peaches and oranges and boiling reds mixed with white sets the sky ablaze.

The fire is no more, and ruins take it's place. The thoroughly planned out house, with tiles shattered in the bathroom to the right of the main hall, and a large kitchen destroyed where the family cooked and baked many meals.

The bedrooms where each person slept and awoke.

Who would have ever thought that they would never awaken again.

Shahad looked around at her friends only to see that they were 'zombie' like, while others were asleep.

Lamisa sat up the entire night with Shahad both watching, both consuming their thoughts.

The rest of the group positioned themselves off to the side where they later rested and spoke briefly before drifting off into a slumber, while the world quietly moved on.

Shahad gazed upon the ashes as they floated into little heaps where the house used to stand.

The power she felt was indescribable,
And to others, unbearable.

Haylie along with Emily and Paige sat close by to Lamisa and Shahad, shaded slightly by the swaying branches.

Small amounts of tree limbs had been singed while Shahad was completing her mission. Luckily they hadn't fallen on anyone, and Shahad stifled a laugh while imagining the scene where a burning limb fell on Alex.

'What a beautiful sight that would be,' she thought.

Paige yawned. "Get your asses up mother fuckers."

Almost everyone disagreed with this.

"But I'm sooo tired," "don't touch me or I will kill you," "SHUT UPPPPPP," "ugghhhhh," were all phrases that gradually made their way into everyone's mouth. Obviously meant with all the love in the world. *inserts wink*

"Y'all I hate to break this to you, but we're on the edge of town, how the hell do you plan on getting back?" Emily said.

Everyone groaned.

"It's too early for this," Haylie stated.

Shahad stood up and rolled her eyes.

"Shut up. I'm thinking, give me a minute,"
and with that, everyone was forced to stay silent to avoid getting their heads chopped off.

"Well the only way we got here was by walking," said Alex.

"Stating the obvious," replied Haylie.

Alex glared at Haylie, in which was returned back.

"Not againnnnn," Lamisa complained, "it's too early for that."

"Damn right," Emily and Paige said in unison.

Shahad finally looked back towards the group. Everyone still looked tired, but oh well. It was entertaining.


Soon enough, they all were walking along the side of the road. To anyone passing by, they would have laughed themselves silly at the sight of several teenagers looking extremely 'zombie-ish', dragging themselves down the road.

There was no passers by, there were no cars. It was dry, and it was miserable.

It was about 9:00 am, as they were still making their way back to town.

"Whoever suggested that we walk back is an idiot in my mind," Alex complained. Ariq looked at him bewildered before Haylie cut in.

"You did, dumbass!"

Lamisa breathed out heavily and turned towards the group. "Come on guys, it's only for another 15 minutes."

"Yeah guys, we're almost back, stop complaining." Emily said.

Shahad had been quiet the entire walk back. Paige had followed her quickly to keep up with her pace.

It was really quite strange, the back roads seemed unusually quiet themselves.

The group approached an intersection, and the bickering was triggered again.

"What do you mean you're not sure," Shahad almost yelled.

"Well, I have no idea where the fuck we are thanks to you shitheads," Alex said loudly.

Everyone seemed to glance around nervously.

"Are we lost?" Majority asked.

"We can't be," Shahad replied to them.

"Then how does that explain that we don't know where we're going?" Emily chimed in.

"I thought you had a good sense of direction," and with that, Lamisa pouted.

"Guys, guys, tone it down, will ya?" Paige exclaimed. "We'll figure something out."

The crossroads seemed to be staring intently at them as they made their decision. Since there were three different pathways, they would each pair up and go a different direction.

If nothing was at their destination, they would come back to the crossroad and wait.

It seemed reasonable.

Haylie was paired with Paige and they set off to the left, chatting amongst themselves.

Ariq, Alex and Lamisa were paired together, and they set off straight ahead.

That left Emily and Shahad.

The two set off to the right, neither bickering or talking. Just plain silence.

Whether they were going the right way, or the wrong way, atleast they had one another as time dragged on, and the air in the town slowly became sharp and cold.

Bone chilling cold, and it made your teeth chatter.

You could feel it in your footsteps, and hear the crunch of the earth.

You could almost sense them as they walked among you.

Slowly, slowly,


A/N: What'd you think? Feel free to send feedback and other character ideas. Thanks,

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