It didn't have to come to this

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Genre: Pure angst

Main focus: Wilbur and Phil

CW: Blood, d*ath

Words: 1337


He was ready to destroy everything he worked for.
He was ready to fight whoever would interrupt him and try to stop his actions.

But what Wilbur never thought about was seeing his own father stand in the hall, a disappointed look on his face. Though.. Disappointment wasn't the only thing the older man felt.
Phil's eyes were filled with sadness, looking at the monster his son had become. While he was busy with his adventures, his son went slowly insane.

The man who stood in front of him wasn't the boy he saw growing up.
The man who stood in front of him wasn't the cheerful guy who loved to make his family laugh and sing them songs for goodnight.

The man who stood in front of him only craved death and destruction.

"Wilbur..What are you doing..." Phil knew damn well what the musician wanted to do. But he wanted to go slow with everything, hoping he would be able to change the younger guy's mind.

The tall brit stayed silent, staring at the other man. This couldn't be real, right? His father never showed up without telling him and his brothers.

"Don't bother answering him.. Just do it. Press the button. You'll finally stop feeling so cold.." As Wilbur was staring at Phil, a new person appeared, like a ghost.  He looked like a perfect copy of himself. Just wore different clothes... A jacket with fur... The glasses he wore..The scarf.. This was the voice in his head who guided him through his insanity..

The tall brit shook his head and smirked. "You know Phil how many times I've been here? Wanting to fucking destroy everything?" Looking behind him on the button he sighed. "This is where everything must come to an end. L'manberg will never be the same, L'manberg died the day Schlatt took over."

Phil slowly approached the musician, careful not to make any sudden movements. "And don't you think you could fix it? You won the war, you could bring your nation back, nothing is lost yet."

The ghost followed the older brit, standing next to him. "You know damn well even if you tried the hope of getting L'manberg fully back is gone, Wilbur. Schlatt destroyed it. Just do it. Press the button."

Wilbur adjusted his glasses, turning his back on his father. "Please leave. You cannot change my mind, I am gonna do what I must." If being honest, a little seed of doubt planted itself in Wilbur's mind. Maybe his dad was right, maybe he could bring L'manberg back and everything would be like it used to. He could go home with his family, everything would be alright again.

Phil took another step towards his son, not planning on leaving any time soon. "Wilbur, you know this isn't the answer. Sure, you may think Schlatt destroyed L'manberg, but you could help it and be the leader you once were. This time I would stay and guide you and your brothers."

The mad man looked back, slightly in shock if being honest. "You...You would..?"

The ghost, annoyed with how the situation is going, decided to take things into his own hands. Wilbur once gave ghosts permission to posses him, even if he didn't realize that. And that was a huge mistake.

A sudden wave of coldness hit the tall brit, his shocked expression quickly changing into an angry one. "Just go, old man."

Phil was taken back by the sudden change in tone and his son's expression. Something wasn't right. Was his son really that far gone? "Wilbur please.."

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