Chapter 13

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Luke's POV

I felt something brush against my skin in the morning. Not wanting to open my eyes, I just assumed it was the cat. Wait, we don't have a cat...
My eyes jolted open and I was greeted by a face full of brown hair. What the fuck? I didn't even remember falling asleep yesterday. And Dylan is here too? He backed into me, his bum rubbing across my dick. My eyes widened and I scooted my lower body away from him. I don't want to get carried away.
Dylan turned around so he was facing me. He looked so calm and peaceful while he was sleeping. His long brown eyelashes swept downwards, and he had major bedhead. You could see his forehead, and I took the chance to gently place a kiss upon it. What the fuck? Why am I being so lovey? This is something couples do, and he's not my boyfriend. He's my toy.
His face looked soft, and a tear rolled down it and onto the pillow. What? He kicked my shin, and I jumped. His grip tightened on the messy red duvet, and he let out a yelp.
What the fucks going on?? "No, please no," he twitched, "please not today." His face was soaked in tears by now, and I didn't know what to do. I put my hand on his shoulder and started gently shaking him, "Dylan. Wake up."
"NO. PLEASE. LEAVE ME ALONE," he cried out. His hand shot up and grabbed my wrist. He tightened his grasp on it to the point where I had to move my hand off of his shoulder to get away from his holding. I stood up and took the duvet off of him. Still asleep. I grabbed onto his ankles and yanked him to the edge of the bed. He jolted upwards, screaming.
"The fuck was that?" I asked as he looked around my room.
"N-Nothing. Don't worry," he started picking at the scab on his rib.
"Stop that," I grabbed his hand and looked at him, "what was the nightmare about?"
"Well that nothing made you go crazy, so spit it out."
"No. I'm sorry, and I'm fine."
With a dead face expression, I stared at him.
"It's just stuff. And things. And memories. Okay?"
I shook my head and ran a hand through my hair, "Fine. Whatever."
It was about noon before I finally turned to Dylan, hoping he'd talk to me.
"What is it?" He asked, not even looking my way.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes. Did what happened yesterday really happen or was that just in my head?"
"Did what happen yesterday?"
He looked at me with big brown eyes and sighed, "The thing. Not the big thing but the little thing that's almost the big thing that involved me and you and-"
"You mean did you give me head? Yeah. You did. That wasn't in your head, although I can say something completely different was in mine," I chuckled and grabbed onto his hand.
He looked down.
"We have the entire house to ourselves, toy. Would you like some breakfast?"
"It's 12:35."
"And your point is?"
"Good point... I really reeaaaalllyy want pancakes," he told me and I stood up an dragged him to the kitchen.
"Sit," I commanded as he sat down in a chair. I got out the ingredients and a pan. I must have over done it, because when I was done cooking, there was over 20 gigantic pancakes on a plate. I heard Dylan's stomachs growl, so I got out the milk, syrup, forks, and two more plates.

"I'm soo full... That's more than I've eaten since," he made a really long pause, "a long time ago."
"You only ate five pancakes. You're making me feel fat, considering I ate 12."
His lips curled up in a smile, and I swear my heart stopped that very second. I made him smile. Not a very big smile, no teeth, but still a smile! He bit his lip and looked over at me shyly, "Have you ever done any of this before?"
"No. I have not."
"You've never made food for someone?"
"Huh uh."
"Slept in the same bed with someone?"
"Uh huh. I have done that. But I was never attacked like that in my own bed."
He looked down again.
"You're the first guy I've done anything to. Ya see, when I pick my toys, I feel like they have to be easy. Girls it's always so simple, they all want me. Boys are scared shitless of me, and just accept the beatings. But you, you rejected me. You act really tough and like you don't care, but you really do. You're very self contained too. And innocent."
"And gay. I thought that you chose me for a toy because I was gay. That's what they did."
"I'm not them. And I never will be."
"But why me? Why do you want all these sexual things with me?"
"I've no idea actually. You have a spell on me. I don't know how or why, but I want to kiss you all the time. I want to see your face when you're moaning, and I want to fuck you."
He started playing with his fingers, "But why? You aren't gay. You don't like guys. And I'm just a toy. A copyrighted piece of paper."
"But, you have something against me. You captivate me. Things you say, how you look, how you sound, what you do... The list could go on and on. Is there anything you want to do today?"
"No, I'm fine. You?"
"Yeah, you."
His head jolted up and he looked at me with scared eyes.
"I'm not lying, if you said you wanted me to fuck you right now, I would gladly accept. But I won't. Not yet."
"Yet being the key word. Great."

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