Chapter 18

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Dylan's POV

I laid sprawled out on my bed. I was acting like a giddy high school girl after her first date. Was I a giddy high school girl after her date? Probably. We're technically not even a couple, so why did I feel so happy that he took me on what I think was a date? I'm just his toy. I rubbed my eyes until I saw shapes every time I blinked.

"I'm so confused," I said aloud.

"About what, hun?" My mother asked, leaning on her shoulder in the doorframe.

I forgot to shut my door. Darn.

"Uh, school," I lied.

"You're lying. How was your date with Lyon? Or is it Luke? I can't remember, he's only mentioned his name once."

"It's Luke. And date?"

"Baby, you can't tell me it wasn't a date," my mother cooed as she walked in and sat at the edge of my bed.

"I'm not sure what it was."

"Not sure? Aren't you two dating?"

"No. Yes," I sighed, "I don't know. That's why I'm confused."

"Dylan, he likes you. He wouldn't have spent money on you if he didn't like you."

"Maybe he just wants to keep me."

"You're so difficult."

"Maybe that's why he spent money on me. I'm difficult, maybe he did that so I would trust him. He's breaking down my barrier, mom. I don't know what to do."

"I know it's hard for you to trust others, Dylan," my mom smiled warmly, putting a hand on my knee, "but I don't know. This boy could be the one you put your trust in."

I smacked my hands over my face, dragging them down past my eyes and over my lips, "I can't help but to feel nervous."

A loud beeping noise came from downstairs, and my mom's eyes widened, "Oh shit! The chicken! Ohh I hope it isn't burnt!" She jumped up off of my bed, and without saying anything else, she rushed out of my room and down the stairs. I laughed.

My cheeks started burning up as I thought about the Ferris Wheel ride.

"We have to ride this, pleeaasseee," I begged Luke. He rolled hi eyes and we got on the next cart. He sat across from me, hiding his face between the pole separating us. I looked out the railing as we went higher and higher. A big smile crept onto my face as I looked at the trees we were now towering over. Luke stood up, and the cart shook. I looked up at him. I giggled, thinking that we're basically animals in a cage. He took a step over to me and sat by me. I looked at him, my eyes focused on his face. His hair had gotten longer, the back had just reached his shoulders, and if it weren't for those slight curls at the end of his black hair, you wouldn't be able to see his beautiful eyes. He grabbed me around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Dude, snap out of it," Brandon said as he shook my bed. My head jolted and I looked at him.

"When'd you get here?" I asked, smiling.

"About a minute ago. The front door was wide open and your mum was complaining about something with chicken and burning. So I came up here."

I sat up and pat my hand next to my spot on the bed. He came and sat down, grabbing my Xbox controller and TV remote. He turned on both devices and clicked on Minecraft. since it was the last game I had played. He went to two player and tossed me a controller.

"We should name our world 'Full Homo' because we're both gay," Brandon laughed. I shrugged my shoulders and clicked that in. We began playing and my mom walked up to my room, "Sorry. I burnt the dinner, but you guys are welcome to make some Mac and Cheese if you want some. I have to go out and buy some more chicken, but I'll be back in a bout half an hour." She shut my door and I left Brandon behind to get some Oak wood so we could create some cheap tools and possibly make a little house before dark.


About two hours had passed before I looked at my phone to see that it was 10:30. "Crap, Brandon, you should probably head home, man. Curfew is 11, and if a cop catches you, you'll actually have to pay a fine. I saved the game and shooed him out the door and down to the front one.

"Well, thanks for having me over man, I'm definitely coming over again soon," Brandon said as he walked out the door and went to his car. I locked the door behind me and drudged up to my room. I clicked the home button on my black Iphone 5 and read the message I had just received from Luke. I sighed heavily. He wanted me to skip school. I threw my phone and my bed and collapsed.

I don't know if I can trust him. Of course you can't trust him. You're just a pathetic little boy. He's using you for sex. But maybe he actually has feelings for me... I've caught him glancing at me like guys do to girls in the movies... Life isn't like the movies. He's a turd. He's using you. He doesn't love you. He wants to use you. Degrade you. He's tricking you.

My mind was at war with itself again. It was like pulling the petals off a flower, but you would never know if he loves you or not. My phone started buzzing and I grunted as I leaned over to answer the call without looking at who it was.

"What?" I snapped.

"Someone's on their period. What's wrong?" Luke asked. Of course it was Luke.

"Nothing," I said.

"Something is wrong. And, you're skipping school Monday, right?"

"No and no."

"You have to do as you're told," Luke growled over the phone, but for some reason it sounded more sexy than scary.

"Yeah, or what?" I bet.

"Or I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you," he growled in a deeper voice.

I slumped deeper into my bed, "No you won't." I'm really pushing the limits, but dayum, this was actually kind of hot.

"No I won't? Says who? You? Well, I'll have you know that," he paused for what seemed like forever, "you're my toy, and I can have my way with you and you have to allow it. So, toy, just watch your back. Or rather, your ass," he said before the call ended.

I pursed my lips and giggled. Jeez. I am like a giddy teenage girl. Part of me tells me that he won't actually do that, but the other part tells me that he was serious, and that he will actually do the... do with me again.

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