Chapter 28

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Dylan's POV (again)

The drive home was weakening and tiring. My heart was racing faster than a cheetah speeding after its prey. I ran into my room and slammed the door shut. A buzz came from my phone and I picked it up to read the message.


Hey, are you ok? U left so suddenly. Do you not like my bf?

I sighed, clicking reply,

It's okay. I'm fine, I just forgot I had other stuff to do before mom gets home


oh, ok. Well have fun! x I'm enjoying my alone time so don't worry about me. I'm in good hands

Good hands? Oh, Brandon, no you are not. I can't bring myself to tell him that that's the evil ex that ruined my life. He would think that I was jealous or something. Oh well... I'll find a way to tell him. As long as I have a back up house to retreat to once I do tell him. Wayne doesn't know where I am right now, but he'll find out since he's with my best friend.


Luke pulled up to the house and rang the doorbell, and I watched him at our front door for about five minutes before I slowly dragged myself to the door and opened it. My mum walked out of her room in a plain white t-shirt and black slacks. She was about to leave, so she jogged downstairs, her phone in her hands.

"Hey honey," she said, ruffling my hair.

"Hi, mum," I replied as she put on her high heels and looked towards Luke.

"I didn't realise you were coming over. Make sure you two clean up any mess you make. I'm sorry I have to leave on short notice today, I was supposed to be off," she started speaking about everything that was happening in the office she worked at. She's a realtor, so she has to go all over town all the time. Dad, well, he was all over the place.

"We will. I'll make sure Dyl cleans up after himself," Luke informed, punching me in the shoulder harder than I think he meant. My mum nodded and walked out of the front door.

I slowly hauled myself to the loveseat and fell down on the cushion and let out an angry groan.

Luke came and sat by me, putting his arm around my shoulders, "I know you're upset about Wayne being here, but it'll be okay."

"Worried? Um, no. That doesn't even begin to describe how I feel right now. Wayne is back. That name, the one that haunts me in my sleep every fucking night. He's back, and he recognized me. Luke, what you don't understand is that he is a psychopath. A complete psychopath. Don't be surprised if one day you come over and find me dead, because it would have been by the hands of that massive monster," I slightly yelled.

"Don't say that, Dyl. You won't die. He can't get to you."

"But he can. He's Brandon's boyfriend, and I don't want him to hurt Brandon, and knowing me I'll get in the way of something. He and I have unfinished business, but I don't want to face him after the things that've happened."

"DYLAN! You listen to me, and you listen well," he turned my face to his and put his forehead on mine, "I love you. And I will do everything I can to protect you, understand?"

I gulped and stared into the gorgeous sea blue eyes I had fallen in love with. I did trust him, and I felt safe when I was by his side. I slowly nodded and turned around to put my head on the arm of the small couch.

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