Chapter 17

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"We're here," I told Dylan as we pulled up to one of my favourite amusement parks. I saw his eyes widen as he looked out the widow. You could hear the people screaming on the roller coasters, and smell the salty popcorn and fresh barbecued meat. I could feel myself start to drool, and when I looked back over to the passenger seat, Dylan was gone.

Dylan was gone?


My door pushed open and Dylan leaned over and unbuckled me, "Oh my gosh it looks so much fun!" He squealed as he darted away from the truck.

"Dylan!" I shouted, my voice deeper than usual. He ran back my way, jumping up and down like a five-year-old.

"Have you never been to one?" I asked.

He stopped jumping and put his right hand on his upper left arm and bit his lip, "Well, I mean I have. But the last time was when I was six or seven. I don't really remember it, all I know was that I couldn't go on the big kid rides. But I'm taller now! So I can!"

I chuckled and threw my arm around his waist and pulled him close, "You're still pretty short. Sure they'll let you on the coasters?"

He crossed his arms, "I'm an even six feet tall, just because you're some oddly gigantic creature doesn't mean anything."

Creature? Ohhkay...

"Uh, two adults please," I told the lady up front.

"That'll be 50 dollars and 80 cents please," she replied, her voice monotone. I handed her a fifty and a five, "Keep the change."

She gave us our wristbands and I put mine on before helping the thin confused boy I decided to take.

He grinned as we officially stepped into the park. He grabbed onto my hand and squeezed.

Do I allow it? I'm not gay... people are staring...

"Luke!!! Looky! It's such a big thing! Can we pleeeaaasseeee go on that first?" He begged, his caramel coloured eyes glimmering with excitement.

Yes, I allow it. He's too damn cute not to allow it.

He pulled me forward and we ran towards The Mind Twister.

"Are loopy roller coasters fun?" He asked.

"Yeah, and this one only has three, so it's a nice starter for you," I replied, already tired from waiting in line.

About half an hour of waiting and nerve wracking stories of why Dylan was scared, we were sat in the seats, our feet dangling off the coaster chairs.

"This is it, oh my. I don't want to anymore, I'm scared," Dylan looked my way best he could.

"It's okay," I reassured him as the ride began to start. He dangled his feet, kicking them back and forth as we rode upwards. We got to the top.

"I don't want to. I'm scared. This was a baAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Dylan started screaming as we down, and looped, around, and looped. We went up again and Dylan was still screaming. "LUUUUKKEEE!!!" He happily screamed as we went around the third and final loop, "THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!"

The ride came to an abrupt stop, making every passengers head forcefully hit the headrest.

"Owwie, maybe not now," Dylan remarked before the ride pulled up to let us off. I got out and hopped to his side to grab him. He almost fell back into the seat, "Oh, I'm dizzy. Heheh... AGAIN!"

I chuckled as I linked my arm in his, dragging him away from his first amusement ride in years.

"Oh... log rides..." Dylan ran up to the line that people were also running to. I looked up to the darkening sky as I caught up with my date. Date? Yeah, date.

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