The dip mobile

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Soon at the Acme factory, Psycho and Greasy are frisking Eddie*

Then Wheezy walks over to frisk her.

Crystal- (Glares) If you think about touching me, I'll slam you through the wall.

Wheezy sighs: Fine....

Crystal- Hm!

Smarty sees Judge Doom: We searched Valiant boss, the will ain't on him!

Doom- Then, frisk the women!

Then Wheezy prepares to frisk Crystal again.

Greasy pushes Psycho: I'll handle this one.

Then Greasy walks over to Jessica amd puts his hand in her breast, but he quickly gets his hand out as he screams in pain and curses in spanish

Crystal- Serves ya right, ya perv!

Eddie: Nice booby trap.

Jessica smirks triumphantly. Unaware, Wheezy smirks and grips onto Crystal's rear

Crystal- Oh!

Wheezy went her her pockets*

Crystal- Hey ya blue creep! Get your hands off me!

Wheezy sees no will inside her: Nothing....

Crystal- Yeah nothing! Don't touch my rear like that again, I'll break your hand!

Wheezy: Okay.

Judge Doom: Did they have the will or not?

Smarty: Nah, just this stupid love letter.

Savy was on the box smelling the rose Smarty gave her*

Judge Doom takes it.

Crystal- (Glares) Let Savy go, ya creeps!

Psycho: We didn't do anything to her.

Stupid: Duh, except boss made her happy.

Crystal- (Glares) Still don't trust ya.

Then everyone looks and sees SkekSil, along with Malikai, Jason, and Pentol!

Crystal- (Rolls her eyes) Oh no!

SkekSil is angry: What is the meaning of this?!

Smarty- What?

SkekSil holds a dummy of Savy: Why is there a dummy version of Savy in my carriage!

Smarty- Okay. I'm going to be honest, I DID NOT put that in there. Must've been that darned rabbit.

SkekSil: Grrrr, Judge Doom, we made a deal, I wanted Savy to be my empress! And this is how your boys repay me?!

Doom- My boys did no such thing! It was just a simple misunderstanding over a car chase for the rabbit. Nothing more.

Pentol and Jason went up to Crystal*

Pentol: Hey there girl, miss us?

Crystal- (Covers her face) God, why me?

Wheezy pushed them: Hey, leave her alone punks!

Jason- Watch it, blue! We had her first!

Malikai stops them: Boys, not yet.

Pentol sighs: Yes big brother.

Judge Doom: Besides I want to explain my evil plan.

Eddie- (Sarcastically) I wonder what.

Judge Doom drops a plate and turns on the switch*

Doom: Can you guess what this is?

Dip pours onto the plate*

Jessica- Oh my God, it DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPPPP!!!

Crystal covers her ears.

Crystal- Ow. Seriously, Jessica?

Judge Doom: That's right my dear, behold the doomsday machine! *as it reveals a Dip-mobile*

The heroes were aghast by the huge machine.

Crystal- Oh no.

Judge Doom: Vehicle of my own design, 5,000 gallons of heated dip, and a powerful water cannon, Toon town will be erased in a matter of minutes!

Crystal- Oh no.

SkekSil: What will you do after you dip Toon town?

Judge Doom: I'm making a freeway.

Crystal- (Disbelieved) A freeway?!

Eddie: What's a freeway?

Judge Doom: 8 million miles on the road.

Crystal- So that this is all about? Just to make some stupid road?!

Malikai: Judge Doom, to be fair, you're not going to dip my Scary mountain are you?

Doom- No. I will not. Since you have been real well to me

Malikai: Good.

Then they heard rumbling*

Crystal- What's that ?

Greasy looks down and the pipe shoots Greasy and Roger up*

Greasy held on to the brick net: Caramba!

Eddie- What the---?

Roger landed with a gun: Okay nobody move!

Crystal- Roger ?!

Eddie- He's alright!

Roger points at Smarty: Alright weasels, drop the gun or I'll let the judge have it! You heard me I said drop it!

The Weasels quickly pit their guns down

Jessica: Roger darling!

Crystal- I can't believe he found us.

Judge Doom: Put that gun down you pathetic fool!

Roger: I will not doom!

Greasy took out his switchblade*

Crystal- Roger watch out!

Roger: Huh? *as the bricks fall on him*

Eddie and Crystal cringed.

Crystal- Ooh !

Jessica: Roger! *runs to him* Roger say something!

Roger has stars: Look, stars! I'm ready when you are role!

Judge Doom: Tie the lovebirds together.

Wheezy, Greasy, and Psycho walk over and tie Jessica amd Roger up together. Malikai nods at Jason who quickly grabs Crystal from behind.

Crystal- Hey! Put me down!

Wheezy put the rope on the hook*

Judge Doom: Malikai, you lift the hook up, while I do something.

Malikai: Of course.

Judge Doom left* 

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