Hiding Roger

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Then, they hear several gunshots at the door, blowing the lock and knob off in the process.

Wheezy opens the door*

The Toon Patrol look around and see the place is supposedly empty.

Greasy: Looks like they give us the slip huh boss?

Smarty- Nah. Valiant's got 'em stashed somewhere.

Then they spot Crystal taking notes in a small notepad.

Smarty- You?!

Crystal looks from her notepad and notices them.

Crystal- (Scornfully) Oh look, it's the Weasel Five.

Wheezy: Hey doll.

Crystal cringes as she hates being called that*

Smarty- What are you doing here?

Crystal- Writing down notes from Eddie ! What's it look like I'm doing ?!

Psycho looks around, he sees a strange painting with Savy and her siblings in it*

Psycho: Is that a painting of Savy?

Crystal- Yeah. Pretty cool huh? Eddie just bought that over a day ago.

Stupid: I see.

Smarty sees Eddie washing his hands*

Smarty walks in and aims his gun at the detective.

Smarty- Hold it right there!

Eddie looks: Hello boys, I didn't think you would come in.

Smarty drags a chair over to the counter and gets on top of it before aiming his pistol at Eddie.

Smarty- Okay, wise guy. Where's the rabbit?

Eddie: Haven't seen him.

Smarty looks at the water and sniffs it.

Smarty- What's in there?

Eddie took out a sock: My laundry.

Smarty cringes and holds his nose.

Smarty- Geez , Valiant.

Smarty gets off the chair and started to leave unt he heard some splash noises and turns around.

Savy sees Smarty: *sighs lovingly* He's so handsome.

Smarty glares in suspicion before he looks at his team.

Smarty- Search the place , boys. And , leave no stone unturned.

Savy and her siblings still stay frozen in the painting*

Markus smells the rose, he feels like he's going to sneeze*

Wheezy walks over to Crystal's bag and starts to look through it.

Crystal- Hey! What are you doing?!

Wheezy: Just to see if you're hiding something.

They heard a sneeze*

Stupid: Bless you.

Markus: Thank you.

Greasy: Who said that?!

Crystal snatches her bag away from the blue weasel.

Crystal- Don't you have any respect or decency for a woman's bag?!

Wheezy: Sorry.

Greasy: Someone sneezed here boss.

Smarty- Find the person and the rabbit !

Who framed Roger RabbitWhere stories live. Discover now