Chapter 6 || Egoistic Nature of Yours

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Unedited. /// Yes, it's slowwww but it will pick up soon💞 I find it exciting to write about challenging men♡


I had been looking forward to our class on Monday

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I had been looking forward to our class on Monday.

So much, in fact, that I chose to come to his class thirty minutes early during lunch time. Because I wanted to know Mr. Williams better, and what better way to do that than by talking to him?


As I enter the classroom, Mr. Williams' blue orbs zap up to look at the intruder. His expression turns livid when he sees me, and I can't help the small pang of hurt.

"Oh, it's just you." He turns back to grading his papers, pen dashing over each sheet with remarkable speed.

Well, not a good first impression, but I'm not going to let that ruin my mood.

I move towards the first desk, hopping onto it.

"Hello, Mr. Williams!"

"What are you doing here? It's still lunch time."

"I wanted to keep you company."

"Go play with your friends, I don't need company. Especially not you."

"I'm not a child, and I already told you that I don't have any friends. And fine, I'll just keep myself company."

"What about that girl?"

"She didn't come today."

"So you choose to barge into my class to give yourself company?"

"This classroom doesn't belong to you. You should be in the staff room with the other teachers anyway."

I tilt my head, my long hair falling to frame my face.

Mr. Williams stops what he's been doing, skims his eyes over me, leans back in his chair, and rubs his face.

"Why are you so difficult?"

"I could ask you the same question. Why don't you open up to me?"

"Why must I open up to you? I can kick you out of my class right now if I wanted to."

"Then, why don't you do it?"

He halts the motion of his pen, visibly caught off-guard.

I hop off the table on autopilot, strutting towards his desk.

"It's because, no matter what you say, deep inside you actually enjoy our conversations." Where did this confidence come from?

His blue, brooding eyes move to stare into my brown orbs, as if to ask me the same question.

I look away from his scorching gaze, knowing that I can keep talking if I don't look at his beautiful face.

"Let's face it, Mr. Williams, we both know you've never had a student quite like me," flicking my locks away from my face, I turn back to stare into his blues, my gaze scavenging his emotionless face.

Her Beautiful Seduction (Student/Teacher)Where stories live. Discover now