Chapter 4 || Calling for Romeo

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The story is intentionally slow, by the way. I can't have her just jump him, as that goes against all the build-up😙💞


Where can I find a book, where can I find a book?

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Where can I find a book, where can I find a book?

I run around campus aimlessly, my insides twisting with worry and apprehension.

This is one of the moments where I wish I had friends. Because right now I'm at my wits' end, and I have no one to turn to.

"Look at her..." The whispers I hear on my left leave me taking a few steps back. Don't people have better things to do than bicker about other people? Gossip is utterly pointless and I've never understood why so many people love doing it.

Still, I can't help self-consciously hiding my face behind a wall of my long thigh-length hair, trying to ignore the remarks and the dirty glances.

Curse that harlot for spreading rumors.

Curse Mr. Williams for breaking my heart.

Curse the world for leaving me in such a chaotic state.

Where can I find the fùcking book?

Gnawing at my nails, I look at a random girl sitting on a bench nearby, anxiously browsing through a copy of Romeo and Juliet.

She isn't in my class, so I don't think she's going to need that book for another four periods... but should I approach her?

She seems like one of my kind; a nerd, reserved and outcast. I haven't seen her around before so... think fast, Namora.

I look at my watch, only ten minutes left.

If I haven't seen her around before... she's probably new. Which means, she probably hasn't heard any rumors about me. Which also means, she can be seen as a friend.

Until of course, the harlot gets to her. But before that, I think I can test my luck.

So I do.

"Hi there!" I say, approaching her with a smile on my face.

"Hi..." The girl looks up from her book, giving me a shy smile. Her viridescent eyes look beautiful, and I would've complimented her for it if I wasn't in a rush.

"You do english literature?"

"Yeah... 8th period," she says, closing her book as she turns to face me.

"You're new, right? Have you been shown around yet?" I ask, wondering whether I should get straight to the point or play it safe.

"Yep, kinda... do you need something?" She asks uncomfortably. I think I'm intimidating her, but I honestly have more important things to worry about. Five minutes left.

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