The Wall in Between Us

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The Wall In Between Us
- LittleMissNoble

- This is not a part of the original story.
- It was originally posted on my facebook account then I reposted it here. Hope you enjoy. <3


"Ready Cat Noir?" She glance at me and I gave her a small smile.

"I'm on it M'lady..." I replied as I called out my power which creates destruction to anything that I touch. I let M'lady take the lead and I followed after her.

We are the unseparatable duo of Paris who defeated villains akumatized by our enemy named Hawk Moth. He only wants to take our miraculouses but we won't let him.

"Cat Noir!" She shouted back at me which I obliged. It's been almost a year since I met her and everyday that we fight for Paris, I keep falling for her.

She's strong, brave, determined, smart and crazy awesome! She's like a fallen angel-- literally a fallen angel for our first encounter is her falling from the sky.

"Miraculous Ladybug!" She called out her other power which is the power of creation that reverts everything from the way it originally meant before the akumatized villain (and us) destroys it.

"Pound it!" We both exclaimed and fist-bumped each other then our miraculous began to create beeping sounds, a sign that we'll transform back any moment from now.

"I think it's time to go now Kitty. I don't want my boyfriend to wait on me for our date..." She told me as she began to leave using her yoyo but before she do it, I grabbed her free hand and placed a gentle kiss on it as a sign of farewell and my adoration for her.

"Farewell to you M'lady. I hope that you'll both enjoy each other's company..." I told her causing her to smile before she totally left. I took that chance to return to my home.

I love Ladybug, I really do. I always tried making a move on her hoping that she'll love me the same way as I do but I keep failing because she already have someone else. Whoever is that guy, he's lucky to have her in his life. I admit that I'm jealous but Ladybug made me understand that we couldn't have any romantic feelings for one another because she only saw me as a friend and a partner--- which I happily accepted it because friendship still matters right?

After I detransform and feed my kwami, Plagg, some camembert, I began preparing myself for my date with my girlfriend. It was actually a simple date at the park and probably have some pastries or André's ice cream.

After assuring that I'm ready for my date, I sneak out of my house and went to the park, awaiting for my girlfriend.

"Why do you still date with her if you love Ladybug?" I heard Plagg complain inside of my jacket.

"Because I realize that I love her Plagg. The same way how I love Ladybug but greater. I felt at ease whenever I'm with her and I'm glad that I finally have her in my life. Also, Ladybug already have a boyfriend so I think it's best for me to move on..." I stated and I heard Plagg making a disgust sound.

"So cheesy! And I'm sick of hearing those stuffs. Blah blah blah," he complained. I was about to rebutt but I heard a familiar voice from a distance.


I look towards the direction of the voice and I saw my girlfriend, Marinette, running towards me. She nearly tripped on her shoes but I gldly caught her just in time.

"Did I made you wait?" She asked after we both seated on the bench.

"No, I just got here. And how about you?" I ask causing her to blush. She's really adorable with that face.

"I uh I umm went to umm ahhh" She stuttered causing me to lightly laugh as I hold her hand. She still doesn't change, she keeps stuttering whenever I'm with her. This is how nervous she was whenever she's with her crush before which turns out to be me.

"Don't be nervous with me. It's just me your boyfriend..." I assured her and gave a peck on her cheeks. "Say, let's grab something to eat and hang in your place?" I suggested and she nodded in agreement.

We both stood from the bench and began walking around the park while our fingers entertwined with one another.

I must say that I'm happily in love with Marinette and I'll do everything the best that I can to love and protect her, just like how I did with Ladybug before. As I look at the skies, I began to wonder how M'lady is doing now especially with her new found love...

"Adrien, you seem distant..." Marinette said as we walked.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just thinking about my photoshoot for next week and how I'm going to spend my time with you..." I said causing her to laugh.

"You don't need to think about that Adrien. I'll just visit you on your photoshoots and we'll spend our time together every time you take a break okay?" She said which cause me to kiss her lips.

"Thank you Marinette," I muttered and loojed at her bluebell eyes. "I love you..."

"I love you too Adrien..." She replied causing my heart beat for her.

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