Kuroo's Birthday

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What a peaceful day in Nekoma High

I wonder what kind of shit will go on today!

Kenma : *walks inside the club room*

Yamamoto : Kyanma, come here for a sec

Everyone except for Kuroo huddle

Yamamoto : what kind of surprise are we gonna put for Kuroo-san?

Yaku : why are suddenly caring about that rooster?

Kai : now now

He's our captain

Yaku : I wish you were the captain

Kai : I'm flattered but no

Lev : how about a cat that looks like him?

Kenma : that would be impossible

Lev : nothing is impossible if you are Haiba Lev, the ace of Nekoma

Yamamoto : you tryin' to steal my position, buddy?

Shibayama : how about something he really cares about?

Inuoka : you mean Kenma?

Kenma : no

Yamamoto : but–

Kenma : no

Yamamoto : but, Kenma–

Kenma : no

Yaku : I know

And it involves moms

Fukunaga : oh no...

5 minutes later

Yaku : *dialing*

Akaashi : hello?

Yaku : Akaashi, my fellow mom

Today's Kuroo's birthday and I wanted to ask you

Akaashi : hold up

I know what you mean

Yaku : yes, bring the horned owl bastard

After practice

Kai : Kuroo, would you please go inside the club room. We have a surprise for you there

Kuroo : oh really?
*walks to club room*

Nothing's here... did they tricked me?

Nah, I'll wait on this oddly placed chair.


Bokuto : HEY HEY HEY

Yaku : shut up! It's a surprise, remember?

Bokuto : oh yea

Where is he?

Kai : inside the club room

Bokuto : I'll go there instead

Yaku : Bokuto-san, NO—

Bokuto : I wonder what Kuroobro is up to
*opens the door*

What is he doing?

Kuroo : *snoring*

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