The Little Hinata

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Hinata, wakes up : Whaa? What is this?

A flounder and crab appears in front of him, the flounder and the crab has the faces of Tsukishima and Suga.

Hinata : What are you two sea creatures?

Tsukishima : Shut the fuck up and come back to your kingdom

Hinata : Kingdom?

Suga : Your own kingdom... you are the Princess.

Hinata : I'm a Princess?

Tsukishima : Yes, you are idiot

See your goddamned tail for God's sake.

The tangerine looked at his legs, it was a fish tail?!

Hinata : What happened to my legs?!

Suga : Legs?

What're those?

Hinata, in his head : I'm must be dreaming...

The three of them swam to a giant golden castle made out of seashells.

Servants that looked like Tanaka and Nishinoya welcomed them, when mermaids look like Kiyoko and Yachi passed by, they immediately chased over mermaid Kiyoko.

Suga : Your father was worried sick about you, Hinata

Hinata : My... father?

Tsukishima : King Daichi.

Hinata : King Daichi?

Suga : Yes

They swam to the throne room, there was Daichi. Sitting there all alone, on a throne, in a palace that he happened to own— okay, I'll stop the SIX reference.

Daichi, angry : WHERE WERE YOU SHŌYŌ?

Hinata, confused : what do you mean?

Daichi : I saw you saving that human boy!

Hinata : Human... boy?

This is a dream, right?

Daichi : I told you, Sugabastian!

Keep. An. Eye. On. Her.

Suga, sweating (how do you sweat underwater?) : Y-yes, your m-majesty...

Daichi : Begone now!

Hinata was taken by Suga to an open sea area, covered in coral.

Hinata : Where are we?

Suddenly, Jamaican music started playing.

Hinata : Where is that music coming from?

Also... are we in the Jamaican?

Tsukishima : I'm surprised that you even know where that is

Suga the crab suddenly got other fishes and shrimps (that looks like other team players) to join him and started dancing.

Hinata : Is that Kenma as one of the shrimps?

Kenma, waves at Hinata : Hi Shōyō

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