Chapter 5 (The Ball)

Start from the beginning

"Before you say anything else, let me tell you how beautiful you look tonight. When I saw you walk through that door, it was like no one else was in the room but you. You lit up the room, because that's how gorgeous you are." I smiled and stepped closer, softly touching her face. She smiled, grabbed hold of my hand, and pulled it down from her face.

"Look, what happened between us..." She paused and looked down at her feet for a moment, then looked back up at me. "It was, I was..."

"Great? Excellent? Phenomenal even?" I cut her off, teasing her. It was actually something I was quite good at.

"Mistake. It was a mistake." She blurted out.

"Ouch." I pretended to be hurt. I smiled, leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. I pulled away, and stood tall in front of her, with a smirk. "Don't worry, you didn't hurt my feelings. Honestly I barely have any. I have many women lining up to have a piece of me." I bent down and whispered carefully in her ear, "So one little night stand won't phase me at all."

I seen the look on her face. She was dumbfounded. After a few seconds she just smiled and walked away, grabbing a glass of champagne in the distance. I decided to go rejoin my father, considering Karine, and Scarlett were with him. Scarlett was wearing a long nude gown, with laced sleeves.

"What's going on?" I asked joining their little conversation.

"We're about to have a little family reunion." Scar sighed and regarded the wide staircase that was the center of attention. I seen 3 tall men. The one in the middle was Mordecai, he was wearing a black suit. The one on the right side was the one we seen several months again in the asylum. I believe his name was Dante... The one on the left, is one I have never seen before. They must have been three of the four Santanae sunt lusus, but if there are three up there, where is the fourth?

"Who is the one on the left, Daddy?" I heard Scar whisper.

"That my dear is Samuel. The oldest of us." My father said as he continued to glare at the men on the stairs. Scar's eyes widened and she turned back to focus on the three evil men.

"Thank you all for coming tonight." Mordecai stepped forward and smiled. He looked genuine, and not crazy for the first time. He threw open his arms, one to both sides of him. "These are my brothers, Samuel, and Dante. Unfornately our brother Cole could not be here tonight, but we have our little brother out there in the crowd. Roy has a little bit of stage fright." Mordecai was a natural people pleaser, everyone was smiling and giggling. "So let us make a toast. To the wonderful lives we have lived, and will live."

Everyone raised there glasses, including us. The three brothers strolled into the crowd, like equals. Everything continued normally.

Ash's P.O.V

This is just wonderful. I'm at this stupid ball, and Demetre is looking for me, I just know he is. As to make it worst I'm standing with Lilly,Caleb, and Of course Kyle who received an invite. Lilly looked absolutely amazing she was wearing a long dark red dress. The rest of my friends were spread out somewhere, attending to other business. I'm here, standing with my boyfriend, feeling terribly guilty for almost kissing Demetre back. I don't know what happened but his touch made me feel some type of way. Don't get me wrong I love Kyle but Demetre just doesn't give up.

"Baby are you okay?" Kyle asked and cut my train of thought off.

"Huh? Yeah I'm great. I just need some... Alcohol, I'll be right back." I smiled, kissed him on the cheek, and turned to walk to the farthest waiter. I grabbed a glass of wine and chucked it down.

"Hello love." Here we go again. I swirled around and seen none other than Demetre.

"Hello Demetre." I chimed. The waiter had left our side so it was just us two.

"I see you're enjoying the party." He pointed to the glass and smiled. I looked at the empty and sighed.

"Its alright." I stared at the glass, and then around the room. Everyone was having a good time except me. I figured it was time to sort everything out, and tell Demetre to leave me alone; but I dont know if I wanted him to. "Demetre, all those things you said were... Nice. But I have a boyfriend and you need to leave me alone."

"Oh yess, the warrior." Anger filled his eyes, and he looked like the evil 'devil's spawn' we all knew him to be. "Well to be quite frank, I think that he is no match for you."

"Oh really?" I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow. "Please do explain."

"He is a warrior vampire, always away on a mission, or always ending up hurt. I wonder what will happen to you when he's killed. It'll ruin you,right?" He smirked and then stepped closer to me. He caressed my arm, and bent in to whisper in my ear. "Besides, I don't think he can manage the physical pleassure you can muster." I could feel his smug smirk form. My eyes wondered over his shoulder, and I noticed Kyle was listening in with his vampire hearing from a distance. Since Demetre couldn't see my reaction he continued to whisper. "Like yesterday. I know you adored everything that I did. The kiss, perhaps?" Demetre kissed me on the cheek, and pulled away.

I gasped, surprised at what had just happened. Kyle was listening to everything. He saw him touch me, and kiss my cheek. I looked over at Kyle once more. He was filled with rage. His hand contained crushed glass, and blood from the wine glass he was holding. He stormed off and rushed through the front doors of the place. I hurried after him, trying not to look suspicious. When I got outside, I got close to him, but he was just walking too fast. We were beside the house when I finally got him to stop and talk to me.

"KYLE!" I yelled for about the third time. He stopped and swung around with rage all over his face. He looked at me with a certain look that made me frightened. "I'm sorry." I sighed.

"So everything is true?" He asked with a straight face. "You've pleasured  him? Its too much for me to handle?" He started pacing back and fourth with his hands in a fist. He started ranting and wouldn't let me speak.

"STOP IT!" I yelled, and he froze. I couldn't take it. He looked at me for the first time with hatred in his eyes. "I didn't pleasure him. Nothing important happened at all."

"Important? So what did happen yesterday?" He asked leaning against the wall, still furious. I walked closer to him, just to talk quitely.

"After you left... He came over. And we were arguing... And then he just kissed me. That's it one kiss. I didn't kiss back I swear." Kyle's eyes widened, and you could see the way his negative energy was boiling inside of him.

"But you wanted to. You wanted to kiss back." He replied with his fist clinched.

"I... I..." I couldn't lie, not to Kyle. "My love for you is real."

"URGHH" Kyle seemed like he was going to hit me but then he swung around and punched the wall. He vanished, and all that was left was me and that stupid hole in the wall.

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