Chapter 16

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Caleb's P.O.V

I had a glass of blood in the room sitting on the dresser, in mine and Lilly's room. I shut the door behind me, when I exited. I ran downstairs in search of my wasted girlfriend. The glass of blood was to sober her up a little. I finally found her in the kitchen. She was with Scar, Ash, and Ally. It was not surprising that she WS drunker than the other girls. She started to drink before the party even started.

"Babe," I kissed her on the cheek catching her surprise.

"Ahh its my boyfriend." She squealed, and hugged me.

"I'm just going to steal her for a bit..." I said to the group of girls. They nodded and smiled.

I tried to help Lilly stand up, but she just couldnt walk. This was useless. I picked her up and flung her over my shoulder. She bursted out in laughter as I brought her up the stairs, and placed her on her bed.

"Why did you steal me away?" She asked with her eyes squinted, while she grinned.

"Because its my turn. I haven't had to all night." I pouted playfully kissing her.

"Oh is that why... Mhmm" she smiled and threw her arms around my neck, pulling me in to kiss her. "Babe, you realize you're jealous of girls..."

"Hey. I don't know what kind of kinky shit you could be into.." I said with a mimicking voice. She playfully hit my chest, causing me to chuckle.

"You sure as hell know how kinky I can be. Remember the handcuffs?" She asked giggling laying on her back now.

"I sure do." I smiled. "You're a freak you know that." She nodded.

"But I'm your freak" she poked my chest. I grabbed the glass of blood, and handed it to her as she sat up.

"Here drink, it'll sober you up a little..." I said placing my hand on her thigh.

"But I want to stay wasted forever..." Lilly whined, pouting childishly.

"Well, I want to have sex, but I'm too much of a nice guy to take advantage of you." I said bluntly.

"Oh sassy. I'll drink just to feel you touch me." She bit her lip teasingly. Lilly was perfect, cool and outgoing. She was truely the love of my life, I couldn't have asked for anything better. I don't even miss the pack.

Demetre's P.O.V

Ash was pulled aside by Scarlett, so I was all lonesome. That was until someone plobbed down beside me. Kyle, Ash's ex.

"Can I help you?" I asked with attitude. I know I was being rude, but who the hell cares, I didn't promise to be nice to this toad.

"Look I know that you and Ash are having this fling type thing, but I just want you to know that I love her..." Kyle spoke.

"I don't know what you take me for... But if it is a kind man, you are wrong. I do not care how you feel. I'm here for Ash, and if I'm making any friends tonight, you're definitely not going to be one of them." I said looking at Kyle in the angry. He looked furious, but then he seemed to cool down in a jiffy.

"Okay, obviously you dislike me. So just do me a favour, take care of her, and tell her that I love her." Kyle took a deep breathe, then continued. "Tell her that I cant just stay here and watch her be taken away from me slowly. Tell her can keep the ring. I'll miss her." Kyle spoke with a distinct dignity. At that moment I began to respect him more. Was I going to pass on his message, who knows.

New Beginning (Book Two)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant