"I still don't understand what I'm doing here," I tell him after considering his words. "Why not just tell Killian during the ball?"

"Because he doesn't trust us," He answers. "I read his thoughts, the thoughts of his circle. None of them would have listened."

"What makes you so sure that I will?"

"Because when we danced, Katrina, I could see that you knew we weren't the ones responsible. I hoped that when you told Killian that, he would change his mind about us, but he still wasn't convinced, because you still had doubts. When we were dancing, I wanted to pull you aside and tell you everything, but then Killian stepped in. If I had tried talking to you alone, he would have killed me," He chuckles slightly. "Actually, he wanted to kill me for dancing with you in the first place."

Of course he did. Can't have his precious Seer getting killed by a vampire.

"Again, I still have no idea what I'm doing here," I say in confusion.

"Killian will listen to you. Tell him that you've Seen that I can be trusted, that my coven members are going missing, that I want to work together to find them," He insists.

I frown. "You expect him to listen to me?" Oh boy, he really doesn't know Killian at all.

"Of course he will," He responds confidently. "I've heard his thoughts. He trusts you completely. You're the only one who can convince him."

I laugh. "That's ridiculous."

He raises an eyebrow. "Oh, I'm sorry, are you the one who can read minds?" He asks sarcastically. "Oh, right, that's me. He worships the ground you walk on. He will listen to you."

I roll my eyes. Dorian is seriously delusional, and also an idiot.

"Don't call me an idiot," He frowns.

"Don't read my thoughts." Idiot, stupid, moronic bloodsucking son of a-

A wave of nausea hits me. I groan, and double over in pain and start throwing up blood on the ground.

Dorian looks at me when I'm finished, his eyes wide. "Why does that happen to you? It happened the night of the ball, too. Killian picked you up and teleported back to Crimson Shadow as soon as your eyes started bleeding before I could ask what was wrong."

I'm dying, that's what's wrong.

"Why do you keep having thoughts about you dying soon?" Dorian asks in confusion. "You had a similar thought the night of the ball."

Involuntarily, I think about the Curse of the Seer, about how I Know that I'll be dead in a month and a half, about drowning in my own blood.

Dorian looks at me sadly, no doubt reading my mind. "I see," He swallows thickly, avoiding eye contact.

I roll my eyes. This is why I can't tell anyone about my gruesome death. They always have to get weird about it.

"Killian doesn't know?" Dorian asks suddenly.

"Know what?"

"That you're dying," Dorian says slowly, and his eyes meet mine. I try to not have any thoughts about it, but I can't control them, can't control thinking about Killian's face every time I wake up after passing out from a vision.

Killian's face when I told him that my future isn't happy.

Dorian winces at my thoughts. "Tell him, Katrina," He says softly. "He would want to know."

"Stay out of it," I snap. "And stay out of my head."

"I'm sorry," He repeats again quietly, his face remorseful. "You were knocked out all day. I'm sorry I took another day away from you."

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