The Drive Home

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"Bye guys I have to go home, my family is waiting for me", I said. I took the elevator to the first floor of the parking garage and when the doors opened I walked to my car. Getting that gas like smell gave me a headache, a part of me wanted to drop dead and another said embrace it. I got in my car and to tell you yes its a nice car. I mean nice its a 2019 McLaren F1 not to brag but I spent around $450,000 on that beast. I was going down US 31 to my home in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I was going around 120 when I heard cops behind me I pulled over and put my hands on the dash. They drove right past me and what an embarrassment that was to myself. I kept driving getting off at the nearest exit when I came to a complete stop almost crashing into the car in front of me. That cop who drove past me earlier was directing traffic because there was a 5 car accident. When it was my turn to go I rolled down my window and said "What happened here", The cop responded "I don't know just yet, if you watch the news at 8pm I think we will have a clear understanding". "Thanks", I said, stopping at a red light there was a guy maybe homeless I don't know, but he walked across the road stopping traffic on the other side. I drove past him and he gave me a glare and I got this feeling like he knows who I am. I have no clue who he was, I pulled into my driveway and walked inside me house. My wife greeting me with a cuddle hug, man is she the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. He ocean eyes and dark brown hair made me feel so warm when we hugged. I know that sounds weird but whatever don't judge me. She told me that we got 6 bills that came today and was wondering when we should pay. I told her not to worry about that I will figure it out later, right now were going to make the best homecooked meal we have ever had.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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