Ch. 16; One More Kiss For the Road

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Authors P.O.V

She slammed her locker door shut, ignoring the slightly scared students in the hallway. Though she felt a tad guilty for scaring her classmates, a scowl was planted on her face. Her conscience kept scolding her to apologize for her behavior, but she couldn't muster up the strength to do so, especially when a certain someone came into view.

His piercing eyes softened when he saw her. He was in fact, sorrowful towards this broken teenage girl. I guess apart of the idea had to do with the fact that he was in love with her, might I say.

This boy always seemed to get lost in her brown eyes. He believed they held a certain spark, that not only the people around her couldn't see, but herself as well. At times, she would be the most stubbornest girl alive, and he could care less. He thought it was absolutely adorable. This girl wasn't only the one he loved unconditionally, but also his first love. Ever since childhood he couldn't get enough of her. Of course she didn't feel the same way though, that was pretty self explanatory.

The girls eyes then softened when she realized who the guy in her way had actually been.

"Oh, Harry."

"Hello Paris."


Paris' P.O.V

I had completely forgotten about Louis when Harry came along today. He was like some sort of spell, that made me oblivious to the obstacles in my life. And the thing is, when the obstacles cam along, I was quick to dodge them, as long as Harry was by my side.

Life seemed easier with him in it for some reason. When a frown was written on my face, he would come along and draw a glorious smile. With just a flash of his luscious eyes, my spirit would rise and make me feel invincible. Well, I suppose invincible is going a wee to far, but still, he made me happy nonetheless.

"Gosh, Paris, what are you thinking about now?" Harry sarcastically sighed.

"You." I replied truthfully. (Since when did I become so honest?)

Harry stared at me in an odd way, as if what I had said was completely gibberish to him. I giggled at his silly expression, which made him even more dazed.

"Don't worry, bozo. I was just thinking how you make me happy. Like how Liam makes me happy. Before, I couldn't go anywhere without Liam because I felt if he wasn't there I was as vulnerable as vulnerable could be." I explained.

"Well, in that case. Thank you, Paris. You make me happy too." After he miraculously answered with those certain words, he engulfed me into a cozy hug. It was a comforting hug, that I didn't want to ever end. Sadly though, all good things come to an end.

"W-why'd you hug m-me?" I stammered. (Why'd I stutter?)

"Sorry." He mumbled, stuffing his hands into his jean pockets and looking down. (What's going on?)

I felt clueless at this moment. Harry was being shy, and I was stuttering again. Suddenly, reality came flashing back into my mind. The stalker, the money, the kiss. I wanted to cry, so very badly. My life was a complete mess, and I don't even know how to fix it all. Finding the stalker, Lloyd, has been a total roadkill. And the reason why Louis owes Harry money is a complete blur to me.


That name caused shivers to run down my spine. He's the cause of everything. I wouldn't be surprised if he was the one to pay Lloyd to stalk me.

Then I remembered something, in the article I had read before, it stated how they found burnt money at the scene of the crime, and the word 'Liar' freshly spray painted on the building. What if, it wasn't Louis who wrote the word on the building. Could it be that Harry wrote it for Louis to see it? Maybe the money was originally Harry's?

I couldn't take the curiosity anymore. Plus, the fact that I was officially done with not knowing anything. So I made the choice, and asked Harry.

"Harry, I need to tell you something." I demanded, "I know about Louis burning down your hideout building back in Holmes Chapels. I know it's because Liam joined your gang, so Louis got mad. I found out more about the fire, and I need to know about why Louis owes you money."

Harry gawked at me, head tilted to the side and what seemed like betrayal written on his face. "How... how'd you know, about the fire?"

"Please don't be mad Harry." I whimpered.

"Who told you?!" He shouted, eyes blazing whilst my heart pounded.

"I can't tell you!" I squeaked.

"Paris, you can't be snooping around in other peoples business. I already told you that Louis and I's conversation had nothing to do with you, and here you are now asking me about it again. With more information!" He exclaimed, fist clenched to his sides.

"Well, listen here Styles. You're not so innocent yourself. You freakin' asked Louis about me! And you know what happened yesterday?" I egged, "He told me he was in love with me. Then, to top it all off he kissed me, and I-I kissed back."

Our heated conversation got awkward after what I had said. Harry backed away a little, as if hurt with what I had told him. I honestly hadn't known of what I was saying. Anger got the best of me, and I ranted on about Louis. Well, I wouldn't call it ranting.

When I thought things wouldn't get anymore strange, Harry took a step towards me, eyes pinned to my lips. I was scared at first, but when he got closer to the point where our lips brushed together, I was more hoping he would just kiss me.

"You don't, love him, do you?" He asked, a hint of pain etched in his voice.


"Good." And that's when he kissed me.

But a dreadful thought still struck my mind during our passionate kiss.


{So sorry, chapter was weak and short. Ugh :(. On another note, what did you think about it? Sorry about two chapters being a bit to lovey dovey, but it was bound to happen. More theories were made, and not to spoil or anything, but, okay never mind. Bye lovelies!!!!!!! Vote. Comment. And/or follow moi!}

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