Ch. 12; Fires

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The door flung open, revealing an apple pie couple standing at the door way. I contemplated on if this was really Zayn's house, but when I took a peek towards Harry, he seemed content with these strange people.

"Why hello Harold! How's our favorite sons friend!" The mother (I assume) exclaimed, pinching Harry's cheeks as if he was a toddler.

Harry slapped her hands away immediately, before stealing a couple glances at me as if he was embarrassed.

"I'm great Matilda. Thanks." Harry groaned, "May we come in?"

This time, the man spoke, "First you've got to tell us who this young gal is!"

I opened my mouth to speak, but to my advantage Harry explained who I was. "This is my friend Paris."

"Friend, huh?" The couple snickered.

Harry rolled his eyes, before pushing Zayn's parents out of the way. We raced up the stairs of the house, and came to a halt at the end of the hallway.

The door was painted black, with the letter Z etched into the door. I would've never guessed that a boy like this, could have parents like them.

Harry abruptly swung the dreary door open, only to reveal an empty bedroom.

"Ugh, Zayn?"

Suddenly, the window in the far corner opened whilst a tall teenage boy climbed out of it. He was attractive I must say, with scruffy dark brown hair, and brown eyes. The boy had a stubbly chin, and rosy pink lips.

"Well hello. Who might you be?" The boy asked, I'm assuming to me due to the fact his eyes were pinned to mine.

"Leave her alone, Zayn." Harry snarled.

"Oh! So you're Zayn!" I announced hastily.

"In the flesh."

Harry didn't seem to pleased with Zayn's behavior, except I was quite amazed with this boy. His room said a lot about him to be honest. First of all, band posters hung loosely on his walls. Which were amazing bands such as: Pink Floyd, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, and Def Leppard. Plus, there was a wall covered with criminal cases, like he was interested in solving them. I suppose the reason being is because they've never actually been solved. I knew this for fact, believe it or not. These stories were all over the news, but the police weren't able to crack the code.

The issues that brought me to my attention, was the ones concerning gangs. An article had stated something about a gang building being burnt down. My first thought was Harry and Liam's hideout in Holmes Chapels. Is Louis wanted from the police? For some reason, I hoped he wasn't, but I also wished he was at the same time. Then I saw the town name, and immediately gasped. It was Holmes Chapels.

Harry ran up to me, worry written all over his face. Although, I had no actual idea why. I suppose it's because we're friends. Yeah.

"What's wrong?" Harry urged.

I saw a different story about some house fire and how the family died, and used that as a mask. "Oh, nothing. Just that poor family in the fire. Sorry, it's stupid."

I walked away from Harry, and headed towards Zayn for the real reason of why Harry and I are here.

"Okay, let's cut to the chase." I started, "A guy has been stalking me on a hill. I don't exactly know who, but I can tell he's been stalking me for a while since he knows where I live."

Zayn seemed dazed for a moment, but brought himself back to reality later on. "Well, you're right that he's been stalking you for a while, but I need more information."

"Well, I guess he only watches me when Liam and I go to this abandoned tunnel." I shuttered at the thought of him watching me.

"Is that like, your special spot?" He inquired turning to his computer and typing stuff into it.


"I know who it is."

This brought both Harry and I's attention, which lead us to stand beside Zayn whilst he did his 'work'. I must admit however, this guy is pretty intelligent if he already figured out who it was with such little information.

"It's this guy named Lloyd. He's known to stalk teens and adults under the age of 25 at there favorite place. The only downfall is, he hasn't stalked in years and the police have been good friends with for a while because he's straightened up. So why start again?" Zayn explained.

"Maybe he's always been stalking? Just, he never mentioned that to the cops." Harry inquired.

"Not likely, his profile is a lot different then that. The upside of the hill is that he has a friend who used to do his dirty work, he's in jail. Maybe he can give you more information? I can get the address, but I have to do some digging for it first."

Well how peachy. We're going to visit a criminal.


I sat down at one of Starbucks tables, and started to munch on the sandwich I bought. Luckily, I had brought my laptop, so I pulled it out and logged on. I was on a mission to find out more about this building fire. (Which was Harry and Liam's hideout)

When I searched it up on Google, different articles had popped up. Which was odd though, since I had specifically typed Holmes Chapels as the town it happened in.

Abandoned building fire, seven people die...

Abandoned building fire, four men die who was apparently in some sort of gang...

Abandoned building fire, which was a gang hideout burnt down. Luckily nobody died. Witnesses say a teenager with blue eyes was at the scene of the crime, although weaponry was not in sight...

"Louis..." I whispered.

"Why're you talking about Louis?" I jumped at the sudden voice and immediately shut my laptop.

"Harry? What are you doing here?"

Harry sat down, eyeing my computer suspiciously so I instantaneously put it away.

"Thought I'd give you company." He warily answered.

"Oh. Well, thanks."

It became awkwardly quite after that. Possibly because of my mysterious action when he came.

"So I thought we could talk more about this creep, who's been creeping you." Harry pondered aloud.

"Sure. Where should we start first?"

{Hope you guys liked it! The way I planned Zayn's life is definitely not like his actual life if you thought that. (Although, I'm sure you didn't.) Vote. Comment. And/or follow me! Bye lovelies!}

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