Ch.1; Society Killed the Teenagers

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Have you ever took a moment to look at your surroundings? To see millions of teenagers using there electronic devices to contact somebody who is probably inches away from them. Yes, in ways you need a phone, which I totally agree with. I wouldn't have my own if it weren't for that reason. You're probably wondering what the reason I'm thinking of is now, aren't you? Well, in all honesty, I believe the only rational reason to have a phone would be to contact those special people you either, urgently need to speak to, or you miss them and wish to speak to them.

I chuckle at my odd way of describing simple details. I've never been the most clever girl. Yes, I'm intelligent in school, but, you know what? Never mind.

I take a bite out of my sandwich, still deep in my thoughts. Why is a microwave called a microwave? I mean, why couldn't it of been named a shoe, or phone? Oh how silly of me to think that, you wouldn't hear much people telling stories about there phones no more, they'd be talking about there microwaves!

I've always enjoyed riddles. My favorite one though, is why is raven like a writing desk? Because it's such a fascinating question. Plus, there are so many answers to the question, therefore, it makes me ridiculous. My entire imagination seems quite humorous if you ask me. If Louis, the heartthrob of my school heard my thoughts, I bet you any money he would laugh hysterics. I couldn't blame him though, my mind always whirls around to such irrational ideas.

You see? Here I go again, thinking of yet another terrible thought. I mean Louis? My brain should have something better on its mind then Louis. Wait, it is a mind! Silly me. I should really use metaphors in more appropriate times.

By the time I'm done my sandwich at the park, the alarm on my phone reminds me it's time to get going. Literature is next, and not to brag but it's my best subject. I've always admired novels that old authors have written. Though, I hate to pick favorites, Pride & Prejudice would be my absolute inspiration in life. Mr. Darcy is just so handsome, and fragile. Whereas Elizabeth is a curious young lady, who is full of freedom and spirit. Sometimes, I dream of being her. Falling in love, having sisters, instead of a lousy brother, not that I hate him or anything! Anyways, I envy the gorgeous dresses she wears, and well how gorgeous she is in general.

I'm such a jealous teenage girl.

When I open the doors to the school, I'm not surprised to see many teens rushing for there notebooks, and binders. But, I was actually proud of myself for keeping a schedule with me so I'm never late for class. I calculated how long it took me to get to class, which is around five minutes and thirty one seconds, and right now, I have seven minutes so I'm not terrified at all. Well, I'm scared right now, so many people are close to me, making me feel anxious. I speed my walking up a little bit more, and before I know it, I'm standing before Mr. Carson's door.

My heart rate started to steady, and I finally stopped itching my sweaty palms.

"Hello, Miss Payne. Quite a pleasant surprise to see you. You're a minute early." Mr Carson chuckled, opening the door for me, so I could take a seat in his class.

"Um, yo-you know. Th-the peo..." I couldn't speak, everything else I said came out as a blurb.

But Mr. Carson understood, and left it at that. He never really tried talking to me before anyways, so it was quite a shocker to hear him say something to me. I honestly try talking to people. Really! I even made my self a notebook loaded with helpful tips. That's another thing I'm grateful for with technology, the fact that it can tell you anything, and everything. (As long as you have wireless.) Although sometimes, it's not always correct. Which bothers me b-

"Ok class! Listen up!" Mr. Carson chirped, clapping his large hands together, "Today, we have two new students coming this evening, and I'm hoping that you all behave. You in particular Tomlinson."

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