Ch. 9; Truth Be Told

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"Liam, please. Just talk to me!"

Suddenly, the door of Liam's room swung open, revealing my very angry brother.

"You just never stop, do you?"

"You're my brother, Liam. Why would I?" I inquired, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Just, go away. I don't need my annoying little sister trying to butter me up." Liam hissed, almost slamming the door shut, until I stopped him.

"You think this is all about you? I'm going through tough a time too! All I want to do right now is explode into tiny little bits so I don't have to deal with the drama! I'm angry inside Liam, and you should be happy that I'm trying to help you whilst I feel like utter crap." I bursted, waving my hands in air throughout my big speech.

For a moment, Liam stayed quiet. He seemed to be deep in thought after my little outburst. Reason why I flipped, was the fact that I was tired with everything. I was annoyed with the fact that Louis is a complete jerk who seems to keep ruining things. For instance, Mabel and Harry hasn't spoken to me in a while. Unless you call mine and Harry's random encounter the other day, which usually doesn't happen on purpose, speaking to each other. Although, I'm quite sad that Mabel and I haven't seen each other in a while. She actually treated me like a sister, and I miss that a lot. I do, of course, miss Harry for reasons I honestly can't explain, but I am also angry at him, for being such a fool. I mean owing a jerk like Louis money? How does that even happen?

I was also pretty infuriated with the fact that Liam, hasn't been acting like my actual brother I used to know. Instead, he thinks it's okay to act like a crude person towards his sister. I'm frustrated with my parents, because they could honestly care less about me, or my brother. I don't understand my life anymore. Why would it suddenly turn around on me, and make everybody ignore me? People say that things happen for a reason, but do they really? Does God, or even fate have anything to do with what happens in your life? Terrible or not.

Then, Liam spoke bringing me back to reality. "Okay. Let's go talk at the tunnel though."

I rose my eyebrow with confusion. After all that we've been through, he wants to talk at our happy spot? I shook the shock away, and ran down the stairs to slip my All Stars on.

The walk was awkward. Not one of us had spoken a single word to each other, nor did we run there like we usually do. I wanted to break the silence, and I wanted to start running, hoping Liam would be hot on my heels for we would be racing there. But in retrospect, I stayed quiet, and kept walking with Liam.

We rounded a corner, and found the abandoned tunnel sitting there like a piece of old junk nobody cared about. Although, I had cared about it oddly enough. This tunnel shared ultimate memories with my brother and I.

Liam sat down, followed by me sitting beside him.

"You know Louis?" Liam started, before I nodded, "Well, he used to be our childhood friend."

Louis, being our friend? I seriously couldn't believe what was coming out of my own brothers mouth. But I had to. Plus, I kind of remember a boy with identical eyes to Louis. Except, he was sweet, and I actually had a crush on him. So it couldn't be him. Could it? Although, at least my assumptions on the two knowing each other were correct! Sadly, I didn't expect me having a dreadful part in this story.

"He used to come over back in Holmes Chapels when we'd have barbecues. Remember?" Liam thoroughly asked.

"Bu-but, I had a crush on him!" I squeaked.

"Aw. Lucky you, because so did he." Liam chuckled, whilst I frowned. "Anyways, back to my story. Me and Louis used to be the best of friends. When you and your friends hung out, me and Louis would hang out. One day, he told me his parents left him and he might have to leave. I got extremely mad and lashed out. Even pleaded for him to stay with us, but he declined the offer. Said he'll stay in Holmes Chapels with some buddies who were apart of his 'gang' instead. I never knew he had one, he was young, but made sense since his parents left him.

Then he asked if I wanted to apart of his gang, me being foolish, I reluctantly said yes. We robbed from people, and was almost as rich as Bill Gates, well probably not as, but you know. Louis then kicked me out of the group, said I was to lustful for money. Afterwards, I naturally craved money, since I was out of it. That's when I ran into Harry, he let me join his gang afterwards. Told me his gang ditched him and was looking for recruits. I quit a year later since we moved, and haven't joined a gang since.

Apparently, Louis wanted me back, then found out I had moved on and was mad I betrayed him. So he burned down our hideout, thinking we'd be inside. We weren't. So now that Harry and Louis are in the same place. Things will get hectic, and I'm afraid I'll be apart of it. I was never mad at you Paris. I swear! I was just scared, and being foolish. I'm sorry, please don't be mad." Liam finally explained, and it seemed to me that it was both a relief and a stressor to tell me.

And to think, he expected me to not be mad at him. How could I be happy go lucky, when he just truthfully told me he was apart of some filthy gang? Especially he was in Louis' gang! I wanted to scream and shout, and tell Liam how disappointed I was with him, but I knew for a fact it would make him go in his own cocoon and leave the world alone. I could tell my brother was scared, and all he wanted was someone to understand that. So I, being his sister, accepted everything he told me.

On another note, it was absolutely horrifying to know that both me and Louis liked each other at the same time. I mean, I knew him for nine years, and we felt the same way about each other. Is that love? I hope not, because I'd be really scared. I mean, I don't feel the same way still, do I?

Then, Harry obviously knew my brother, and he never told me. How could somebody be so inconsiderate? All I've been is nice to him (I think) and he keeps things to himself, that I should know. But something inside me didn't want to be mad at him for some reason, so I absentmindedly brushed the thought of being angry at him away.

"It's okay if you're mad at me. I get it." Liam sighed, about to stand up until I stopped him once again.

Good, because I'm one-hundred percent infuriated with you. "No, Liam. I'm not mad at you."

{More has been uncovered, but trust me there is more to be told. Hope you enjoyed! Vote. Comment. And/or follow moi!}

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