Every Rep nodded in agreement at this, and it was officially decided.

"Then we'll interview him before Kyle's vigil tonight... Now that that's settled, there's another matter we need to discuss." This time, Sal's gaze connected with mine, and I was filled with a dark feeling of dread.

Ah, crap... I wasn't ready for this!

"Since Kyle is no longer with us, his Junior Representative is to fill his place as the Representative of the fifteen to eighteen-year-olds, as is custom. Roxanne Monroe, would you stand please?" Sal announced, his eyes trying to appear encouraging as he looked at me. At the other end of the table, I could see Alec giving me one of his usual Dark-and-Murderous expressions, with furrowed brows. Thankfully, he didn't rudely interrupt Sal to complain and argue it—though a small part of me secretly wished he would.

I felt shaky as I rose to my feet in front of the whole Committee. My stomach plummeted a few more inches as I felt everyone's eyes on me as I stood there. I was SO not ready for this!

"Roxy, I know this is so sudden, and you may not feel like you're ready to step into your mentor's shoes, but I believe you're braver than you may realize. There's no one else I'd want to be in your position. I believe you can do the duties that your position requires, and that you'll do it the right way that you know how...

"Now, for the real question: Will you accept this duty presented to you?" Sal looked at me, an easy, reassuring smile on his face. He really did believe I could do this. I could see it clearly looking at his face right then. Why he had so much faith in me, I'll never know—until much later, of course...

Taking a gulp and a deep, drawing breath, I nodded. Oh Lordy... I couldn't believe I was actually doing this. "I do. If you have so much faith in me that I can do this, I might as well accept." I agreed, rather begrudgingly.

Sal smiled and nodded, approving wholeheartedly of my choice. "Good. Roxanne Monroe, you are officially the head Representative and my right-hand advisor." He announced, practically beaming.

I tried to ignore the stares and cheers I received, as all around the conference room the Reps and their Juniors clapped for me. All this attention was causing my face to heat up, making me uncomfortable. But upon seeing Alec's seething face and Bailee's little wink from across the room, it made me feel a tiny bit better about this whole thing.

That'll show you, Dirtbag...

"Who's going to take my place?" I asked once the applause had died down.

"We'll think about that later. Right now, there's an interview to hear and a vigil to plan..." Sal said, getting down to business. I sat myself down immediately, waiting to hear the inevitable. I already knew my vote.


~ ~ 🎶 ~ ~

You taught me the courage
of stars before you left
How light carries on,
even after death

With shortness of breath,
you explained the infinite
How rare and beautiful it is
to even exist...

I couldn't help but ask
for you to say it all again
I tried to write it down,
But I could never find a pen

I'd give anything to hear
you say it one more time
That the universe was made
just to be seen by my eyes.

The REBELZ: "The Beginning" (Book 1) *SAMPLE Rough Draft!*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora