The coaches give us good/terrible news😅😅

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Previously ~
We were all shocked that he could sing so well.
He looked at us and blushed which looked really cute.
"Now that you guys have heard me singing I must tell you that I am a really famous singer in America"he said

All Pov:
We were all admiring the cute siblings and also hoping to get that kind of affection from our sunshine someday,well we already agreed that we will share him so now we only need him to say yes to. There are also others besides us like , terushima, the miya twins, sakusa , ushijima,tendou but they are not here so we are happy to have alone time with our sunshine(why do we feel like we jinxed ourselves 😭😭).

So we were enjoying the sunny siblings moment and when hinata said that he was a famous singer in America we were shocked but then again he said that he was a totally different person in America so we let it slide.
We were still having fantasies of the sunshine when our coaches came in with a pale face except Ukai as he was smirking. They all went towards the siblings as if to discuss something and we tried to hear them but they were talking in a different language so only a few could understand (tsukki, oikawa,Akashi,ushijima)

Hinata pov:
I just managed to put natsu to sleep when the coaches came in looking pale except Ukai he was smirking. The others were gonna ask what was going on but didn't get the chance as the coaches came to me.
(A/n  underlined will be English)

"Hey hinata we came to know that the other schools will also be joining us and we were wondering if you're house is big enough for all of us seeing as your family also is there"coach Ukai said while the others coaches were nodding along.
"No need to be nervous coach and don't worry it will accommodate us all,I was actually planning to tell you people after but my dad said that we can use my house and before you ask yes I have a different house I usually live there with my school friends we call it the party house/crackhead house."I said

All pov:
We were trying to listen to what they were talking about but couldn't understand as they were talking in English some people did but couldn't make out the whole thing as they were talking in a really fast and hushed tone.

When hinata finished talking the coaches nodded and turned to us

"So we were just talking to hinata about the school which we are invited to as he was a former student there. There has been a few changes for the trip, we came to know that other schools like Inarizaki High, Shiratorizawa Academy, and Itachiyama (pretend that hoshiumi is in that school) will be joining us for this trip and we will be staying for 4 months,the other teams will meet us in 5 hours after we land and we will be attending The Cross Academy there and don't worry you all we be put in the same class as they have advanced studies."the coaches announced

We were just left there gaping like a fish except for hinata he kept bouncing and muttering friends and coffee and party though it was hard to make out what exactly he was muttering.
No pov:

As soon as the coaches left,poor hinata was bombarded with questions about school and stuff

"Our precious kouhai don't leave us alone in that school"
"Chibi-chan how advance are the studies"
"Are the teachers good"
Then many people started to hyperventilate at the thought of foreign school system and studies

Then hinata tried to calm them down by saying "guys relax I won't leave you alone in that school and don't worry the studies are not that hard and I'll be there to help you and yes the teachers are really good."as he said this people started to calm down and he continued "but remember that it is a prestigious school only people with a lot of money or really famous people go there, this school also helps in many things as not everyone is good at studies,so the school has every sports facility,singing and dancing facilities and many more."

As he finished explaining the others were really happy to attend such a school but also nervous as they don't know how to act around rich people still one smile from the tangerine calmed their nerves. They still had 6 hours lef before landing so they decided to sleep and everyone left for their rooms except for the simps they found hinata's room cuddled him and fell asleep thinking about how more people are gonna join hinata simp group.
What they don't know is they are in for a long trip with hinata showing his true nature and meeting Louis. Let's see if the simps can get their courage to ask hinata out and accept Louis and hinata's attitude.

Stay tuned,

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