Rose and Ben

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I was floating around when i heard crying i wanted to see who it was so i appeared in someone room i looked over and see it's daddy room daddy was on his bed crying

"Daddy why are you crying" he looks over and see me he wipes his tears away

"Rose what are you doing here" he picks me and sits me on his lap i can see in heart he sad and lonely i placed my head on his chest

"I don't hate you daddy"


"No daddy listen" i told him softly

"When i was two i thought ....... That maybe you left cause of us"

"Rose i"

"But then if like we were connected i felt you crying you didn't left cause of us you were spelled by Maleficient daughter right?" He nods sadly

"Yeah. she wanted the wand so she broke me and your mom up"

"Why don't you tell mommy"

"She won't listen to me rose but it's fine"

"No it's not fine" i get up and pull him up and we leave his room

"Rose dear let's just leave it alone"

"No i want my family together" i was determined once near our room

"Rose sweety i really think..." I knock on the door and see mom open it and her eyes widen to see me with daddy

"Ben? Rose mija what are you"

"Daddy need to tell you something" she sighs

"Mija their nothing to talk about he with someone else and their"

"Mal spelled mommy" her eyes widen then looked at dad

"Is this true" he sighed

"Yeah the day i confessed to her i was spelled by her i never truly loved Mal because my heart belongs to you and the twins" i smiled as he picked me up i see mom thinking but let's him in once inside he sits down with me on his lap and mom sits next to us it was all quiet

"I will go and speak to Mal personally about what you said Ben but if your lying"

"I would never lie to you" he told her as he held her hand gently i smiled seeing mom smile and dad smile too unknowing my brother has a dark plan in hand.

His true book of love (Descendants)Where stories live. Discover now