The birth of the twins

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It's been night months since i came to land of the remembers and everyone so nice the endless party my mother had a float for me and the twins made and it was beautiful as i walked around my float and danced to the music

"You get more beautiful with that stomach of yours" i turned and see mom

"Gracias mama i can feel like they love when i dance and sing to them i can't wait to have them both in my arms"

"I can't wait neither to have them both here enjoying the land of the remember"

"Yes ma i know" then i felt a pain on my back


"Mija what's wrong"

"Ma... I think their coming!" La muerte made them appear in her room and that had everything set for the birth once the doctors and nurse came to Marisol room la muerte waited outside that's when Xibalba came along with Santos

"Mama how is she"

"She okay mijo i just hope everything goes well"

"Hello my lively Queen" they see the candle maker appear

"How are you candle maker"

"I'm here so are the two little ones born yet"

"Not yet but very soon they will"

"One will have a spunky attitude the other will a heart of gold" said the candle maker then they heard two babies cries once back inside the room they see Marisol holding two small children a girl and a boy

"Ay mija they look so lindos"

"Gracias mama"

"How will you name them sis" she looks at her two then smiled

"My little Rosa and My small Angel" candle maker gently grabbed rose who giggled brightly angel was just a neutral little boy but smiled

"I like this one" said Santos looking at Angel Marisol playfully glare at him

"I'm playing hermanita their both beautiful"

"This one a joy to be around" said the candle maker holding Rosa who's a bright joy

"And this one is so calm" said Xibalba holding his grandson who's playing with his hat skull

"They will be a joy to be around"

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