World-Building (Time & Place)

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So, now that you understand what world-building is, let's get down to the major points in building your fantastical world!🧐

First of all, you must always ask yourself: 

What timeline does my story take place in? 

It could be modern, medieval, Victorian and so on, but you must always have a very well-thought-through idea of what you want. 

When making your world, just remember not to stray too far off from the real world we live in today (or have lived in in the past). It is always best to do plenty of research into laws and other features in the timeline you are basing your book on.

Quite a lot of writers do make the mistake of getting too excited when they think up a brilliant idea and rush into writing without doing the proper research.

Basically, in order to execute your story well, try to base your book's setting on one that Earth used to have or has.

For example, suppose you are writing your book set in Victorian times because you want your character to be a pickpocket (and pickpockets are very common in Victorian times). In that case, you must consider what jobs or status the main character and other characters may get in the future or have.

And this requires tons, and I mean TONS, of research.  

Usually, the smartest way to go about it (if you were me) is to read up on some Horrible Histories books. They tell you everything you need to know, from street slang to lifestyles and status. Do check some of them out! They're also hilarious and educational, with comics throughout each book!😁

Yeah. So remember to do adequate research, ESPECIALLY for the laws and lifestyle of the time you are setting your story in; even if it is an imaginary world, you HAVE TO make sure that the logic and laws in that world at least have some vague resemblance to the real world's.

I know I've repeated this many times, but that's what laws are for!!😆


Remember to comment below if you need any advice!!✌️

I'll help you as much as I can!!^^

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