(2) Will you be there for me?

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It was getting late. I knew that I should have listened to Mrs. Lee before I left her place. I should have visited Greg during the day. Now I had to search for his house when I could barely see the road in front of me. I didn't know how much time I had wasted at Mrs. Lee's place, but I couldn't wait any longer.
I sped up my pace when the first few droplets of rain started coming down. It didn't take long for the rain to start pouring down. There was nowhere to hide, so I kept going. Some people ran for shelter, and others enjoyed their own shelter underneath their umbrellas.

Eventually I reached Greg's house. Indeed, it was a huge and spacious home with a white Lamborghini parked in front. Greg was a lawyer, so of course he could afford it. But I didn't love him for his money. I loved him because he was my childhood friend whom I fell in love with. I loved him because our parents believed we would make a great match. I sacrificed my life for my love for him.

His front gate was open, so I walked up to his front door. I knew I was a mess. I was soaking wet. Nervously, I tried fixing my hair and my clothes to the best of my abilities. Without a mirror, there was only so much I could do.

After taking a deep breath to try to calm my nerves, I knocked on his door. There was no answer. I knocked three more times. Nothing. Was this really his house? The number Mrs. Lee mentioned was written on the wall by the gate, so it had to be this one. She was oddly specific about this house and the car. Or did she mistake Greg for someone else?

Something was off. I called out his name. Would his door be open? I placed my hand on his door handle, waited for a few more seconds, pondering if this was a good idea or not, then I knocked again on the door. Well, if he wasn't going to open this door, then I had no choice. I turned the door's handle. To my surprise, the door was open. I walked into a house that was literally the complete opposite from Mrs. Lee's. This was what I was used to. Seeing all this clutter actually put a smile on my face.

A soft moaning sound made me freeze. Okay no, this was definitely the wrong house. I felt like I was intruding in something very, very private. But instead of walking away, I just stood there. My brain worked slowly. A nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach was making me uneasy. What... what if that was...?

My legs started moving on their own before I could stop myself. I didn't know where the bedrooms were, but I trusted my instincts. I followed the voices until I stood still in front of a closed door.
That was when I heard his voice. Everything inside of my body and mind shut off completely. I just stood there like a statue. It was him. It had to be him. His voice was what got me through these past ten years. I could fall asleep and still hear his voice whispering sweet nothings to me.

Now his voice was directed towards another woman.

I didn't know when I had placed my hand on the handle and pushed the door open. My eyes were wide when my fears were confirmed. The woman, or well girl, let out a shriek and got off of him. She scrambled to cover herself with the sheets. As for Greg, his shocked expression lasted only for a second. It was soon masked by indifference.

"Lexi..." he said, "How did you...? What are you doing here?"

"Gregory," I replied. My throat was as dry as the Sahara Desert. "What's all this?"

"Lexi, look, I can explain."

"I can't believe you."

He jumped off the bed and snatched his boxers. Before he could think of putting them on, I was back outside the door. I dashed out of his house. I heard him calling out my name, but I ignored him. Soon enough my footsteps were the only sounds I could hear.

The amount of pain and hurt coursing through my veins was indescribable. I felt numb, empty. I felt... used. Just like earlier, my legs had a mind of their own. They led me straight to Mrs. Lee's house. I didn't wait for her to open the door. I barged in through the front door. She was sitting in the sofa watching TV. I didn't want her pity, and yet this was the only place I could go to.

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