The Smoke

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I had lost track of time after going out onto the balcony for a smoke break. The orange yellow smoke swirled around my head in a foggy cloud, making my thoughts swirl murkily in my head. I was so lost in the murkiness of my thoughts that I didn't even notice Husk step out onto the balcony. He actually could be a silent cat when he wanted to be.

"Angel said if you're out here because you think he's mad at you, he's not." Husk came and stood next to me, leaning against the balcony railing.

"You know that's not why I'm out here." I handed the cat one of my cigarettes, which he accepted. He took a long drag after I lit it for him, and then gave me a long stare.

"You had another nightmare about that night didn't you?" I didn't give my answer verbally, instead I just stared off into the space ahead of me.

"I'll take that as a yes." I mentally cursed my friend. Husk really did know me well.

"I don't want to talk about it." I flicked my burnt out cigarette to the ground and stepped on it.

"You're not the only one who lost someone important that night you know." Husk's voice suddenly quavered, "Abigail was the love of my life Al. I miss her too." I suddenly felt my heart drop. In the haze if my grieving, I had forgotten about my friend.

It was true. Husk, or at the time, Henry, had been head over heels for my sister. They had been dating for a year prior to her murder. The really heartbreaking part had been the day after, when I had told my friends Abigail was dead. Husk had gotten drafted to join the army, and had stopped by my house before leaving.


It was a Saturday morning, and neither of my parents were home. I promptly opened the door after hearing a knock. Behind it was Henry, army uniform on and a hair in a crew cut.

"Al! I need to see Abby!" Abby was Henry's pet name for my sister. He was the only one who was allowed to ca her that.

"Henry..." My sister had just died last night, and I hadn't even begun to plan how I'd tell my friends. I hoped they'd see it in the paper, but it seemed Henry hadn't even glanced at the paper before rushing here.

"Look it's important! I was thinking, Abigail and I have been together for awhile now. Abigail turns eighteen on her next birthday. And I was thinking..." Henry kept trying to get past me, but I wouldn't let him pass the entry hall.

"Henry..." I could already see where this was going. How heartbroken he would be when I told him.

"I'm going to ask Abby to marry me! Then when I come home, we can be married!" I couldn't let this go further. He needed to know.

"Abigail's dead!" The words sounded alien to even myself. Henry's maniac energy faded in less then a second.

"What? You're joking, right?"

"No. We were gunned down while walking home last night." I gestured to my bandaged leg, "She was shot in the stomach. I'm sorry, Henry."

"No...Abigail..." Henry fell to his knees as tears sprouted from his eyes. Being mindful of my leg, I got down and hugged him, not sure what else to do


"Henry, I'm so sorry." Husk looked at me with surprised eyes, it had been years since I called him by his real name.

"I let my own suffering blind me to yours." I let my hand rest on his shoulder, "I was so blinded that I let the loss of my sister allow me to loose you."

"Al, you don't have to pretend to care." Husk frowned and shrugged off my hand.

"I do!" To make my point, I wrapped him in a hug, ignoring the pain it caused my chest, "What would Abigail say if she saw us like this? We used to be like brothers, but we let her death drive us apart. Henry, I never meant for you to feel I didn't care."

Husk stared at me for a moment. I guess since I was no longer smiling, it only increased his surprise. He seemed to question if it was really me standing in front of him before bursting out into laughter. I found myself wrapped in his furry arms before I found myself laughing to, not just laughing, but crying. Husk and I both laughed as tears of joy and pent up relief washed out of us.

"Maybe you haven't become a big an ass as I thought." Husk broke away and wiped his eyes.

"Thank you, Henry." I was smiling again as I wiped my own eyes.

"For what?"

"Being my friend, even if I didn't always seem to appreciate it. You've always been there, now it's my turn to be there for you." I looped an arm around my friend and started guiding us back towards the balcony door.

"Now I'm sure you're as starves as I am! Why don't you pour out two whiskeys while I make gumbo?" Husk actually smiled at me in response. It was nice to see him happy again, even if it was only for a moment.

"That sounds good, Al." Husk looped his arm around me in return.

"Maybe afterwards we can we if you can finally beat me at cards, Husker~" Husk shot me a look as I used the nickname I knew he hated.

"I think you'll find my card game has improved quite a bit you old deer." Husk narrowed his eyes in challenge, which I promptly returned. We burst out into laughter again, and got so caught up in ourselves that we didn't notice to others when we reached the lobby. All that mattered now was that our friendship had been prepared, and for the time being, all was right with the world.

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