"No, I'm up," I sigh. "Thanks. For..."

Killian kisses my cheek. "Pleasure to be of service, my dear."

I scowl, pushing him away and getting out of bed. I'm about to go to the bathroom when I see my phone screen light up. Sighing, I open the lock screen, assuming it's Gwen still trying to talk to me.

But I wasn't ready for the bombardment of messages she sent while I was sleeping.

Gwen: Wtf??

Gwen: Are you in Crimson Shadow right now???

Gwen: Why is Alpha Killian answering your phone??

Gwen: What does he mean by "She's busy"??

Gwen: ?!?!?


My mouth drops as I reread the messages through twice.

It doesn't take long to put the pieces of this morning that I barely remember back together.

"You answered my phone?" I hiss at Killian.

He shrugs, unbothered. "You told me to make it stop ringing. I did."

"She's busy?!" I yell.

"You were," He grins unabashedly. "You were sleeping."

"You know what that sounds like!" I scream in frustration. "She's going to think I'm sleeping with you!"

He shrugs again. "You are."


He laughs. "If you want, you don't have to talk to her. Put me on the phone, I can get rid of her."

"Get out!" I shout at him.

He laughs again before disappearing.

I'm going to murder him.

Why even bother telling that to Gwen? What could he possibly gain from making Gwen think that we're together?

Oh right, he lives to piss me off and find creative ways to annoy me.

I decide to face the music and get it over with, knowing that I can't ignore her forever, even though my forever isn't really that long at all.

I call my sister back.

She answers on the first ring.

"Fuck, Katrina, are you okay?" She asks as soon as she picks up.

"I'm fine, Gwen," I sigh, already planning on ending the conversation as soon as I can.

"What the hell is going on? Are you in Crimson Shadow right now?" She asks frantically.

"Yes. Business trip." I resolve to keep my answers short and vague to prevent any more questions that I don't want to answer.

"Business?" She yells. "That's what you call banging the Alpha of Crimson Shadow?"

"You don't know what you're talking about," I snarl.

"He answered your phone, Katrina! At 6 in the morning! And refused to put you on the line!" She shouts back. "I was worried sick!"

"I can handle myself, Gwendolyn," I say sharply, but she barrels on.

"You've been dodging my calls, and when one finally gets answered, Alpha Killian refuses to let me talk to you. I thought you were in trouble! Leo called him to demand answers, and Killian freaking threatens to declare war on us!" She screeches. "What the fuck is going on?"

Killian did what?

"Stay out of it, Gwendolyn," I warn lowly.

Gwen sighs, and her voice is much calmer when she talks again. "Look, Katrina. I'm worried about you. You shouldn't be messing around with Alpha Killian, Kat."

I laugh darkly. "And why is that, dear sister?"

"Because, Katrina! He has a reputation for this kind of thing! I don't want you to get hurt," She says, her voice full of worry.

"You are the last person to criticize me for who I sleep with," I say calmly. "How many Betas have you fucked again?"

A low blow, but I don't care. She has no right to say anything about my life choices. Especially ones she knows nothing about.

She's quiet for a moment. "Katrina, please come to Blue Moon. Alpha Killian isn't good for you. He's going to hurt you. This is what he does."

"You don't know anything about Killian," I say darkly. "Don't ever talk about him like that again. Luna or not, sister or not, I will ruin you."

And I hang up the phone.


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