February 26th, 5:08:29 PM

Start from the beginning

Lips touched and fireworks exploded. 

The response was immediate; Dean gasped into his mouth, running his hand through Cas’s unruly hair with one hand as another wide open palm smoothed down its way down the 19 year old’s back. Cas shuddered, gripping tightly at Dean’s leather jacket with sweaty hands. It was intoxicating; he felt as if his brain was on fire and the warmth spread throughout his entire body.

Why haven't we done this before?

Of course, they had kissed before lots of times, but it was always rushed haste ones that left them both feeling dazed. There was never a time where they had ones where time slowed down and they just had at it, and Cas found himself wishing that they could've done this so much sooner; he could've felt this amazing feeling earlier so they could do it as much as possible. 

Dean smelled amazing; like the cologne he put on too much of, like the peppermints he was always eating for some reason, like citrus shampoo and soap and just the smell Cas had come to identify as Dean. It was Dean, all around him, taking over all his senses and that’s the only thing that Cas could think about, could feel, could smell, could hear. Dean’s hands were all over Cas, touching everywhere, adoring and beautiful, and the feeling was so overwhelming and raw that the Milton never wanted to stop. 

They pulled back eventually though, gasping for breath. Cas’s heart was pounding, and he could feel it pulsating throughout his body, through his skin and bones, just everywhere. Dean closed his eyes, still breathing heavily, and leaned his forehead against his soul mate’s. Their noses were just millimeters apart and Cas kept his eyes open to stare at Dean. 

No one said a word. 

He was in the middle of counting Dean’s endless supply of freckles slashed over his face when the mechanic huffed out a laugh and opened his eyes, cuffing Cas’s face gently. The 19 year old jumped slightly at the soft touch; he wasn’t used to this, someone looking at him and touching him like he was something precious, to be protected at all cost. 

“Wow,” Dean breathed out, in a loss of what to say next.

“Wow is correct.”

They continued to sit there for a while, steadying their breathing until Dean cleared his throat and detached himself from Cas. The Milton sighed in disappointment as he watched his boyfriend casually pick up the book and start reading again as if nothing had happened. This was so Dean, go through a big step in their relationship one second then act like nothing happened the next. Cas was ok with it most of the time; he wasn’t big on talking about his affection towards people, he’d rather show than tell. But right now, he felt like that they’d waited enough. 

“Dean,” he paused, taking a moment to collect his thoughts. What was he going to say? He knew what he felt, what he wanted to say, but…

The 22 year old looked up, tearing his eyes away from the novel to look at Cas.


“I love you.”

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