Chapter Five

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It took more pressing words than the Queen could have prepared for. While muttering about the gifts the girl would receive, the dim child only stared at her blood-thirsty son in horror. Growing irritable, she reached for the girl's wrist and dragged it within reach of her son.

He dove for it greedily and lacked restraint.

The irregular fangs that flashed in sight before submerging into her flesh were unlike that of normal purebloods. Only the most remote vampires subjected to decades of torment and starvation resulted in the creature this noble prince had twisted into.

Through all her agony- Eledorah couldn't manage even the slightest of whimpers. The silence worried those present, unable to gauge exactly how excruciating this pain was. Her head hung back and exposed her pale, slender neck that the monster now eyed mischievously. When he broke free from her wrist, tearing out chunks of tender flesh in wake of his fangs, he attempted to lunge for her jugular.

The doctor was the one who saved her from certain death. But the Queen, hopeful in her ignorance, told him to release her.

"Put up your other arm, let him bite somewhere unharmed." It was no longer a request.

One way or another, the woman would get her way in this. So Eledorah raised her right arm and twisted it to offer the pale belly of her wrist to the abnormality. This time, when he pierced her, she urged a throaty cry from her otherwise silent mouth. She should have kept silent- The pull on her wrist only increased as the beast moaned while getting his fill.

He enjoyed her broken pleas.

The doctor tilted her head back, shoving his thumb to break apart her mouth to force a stream of the disgusting liquid down her throat. As it bubbled to the surface, her body's natural response to force it out, he clamped his hand around her mouth to make her swallow it.

More moments came where her arm would be removed from his clamped jaw only for a new, fresh piece of skin to be displayed. And more of that liquid 'stamina' would be coerced down her throat, their words of encouragement and gratefulness lost on her numbing body.

The final time this occurred, at least she hoped, would be when she lost consciousness. They had ripped her arm back and searched for unmarred skin for his feeding. As if the beast cared for the damage it could do to her tendons and nerves.

Upon realizing she went limp against him, the doctor peered around to witness the girl fading in and out of cognizance. He placed a timid hand on his highness, pleading with her to stop this madness. The only way to tell if the faenix's blood had worked was to wait it out.

The Queen allowed for her son to take his last gulps and hated how she had to turn away from her son's defeated gaze when he realized more wasn't being summoned.

"More! More!" He kicked against the restraints they had to continuously strengthen as he grew more beast-like by the day. Elongated talons stretched and attempted to twist upwards to claw at the harness and chains holding him down.

Even the veins that covered his skin were a mystery to anyone who saw him in this state. Only his family had hope of his recovery... The doctors faked it. Even the family here were likewise giving up hope- His father hadn't visited in weeks and other family members, not for months.

Nobility kept themselves preoccupied with frivolous matters while their own blood suffered a drawn out demise.

Dragging herself away from what little remained of her son's pure soul, she focused back on the girl she owed so much to. They would fulfil every promise until the girl felt overwhelmed with gifts in her life of newfound luxury. Starting with the relics.

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