Chapter 13: Always and Forever

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Chapter 13
At exactly 6, in the evening, the doorbell rang. Ginny looked at the mirror one more time before heading downstairs. She took a deep breath as she placed her hand on the handle
“Hey” she said as she opened the door, revealing her boyfriend, who was dressed in a charming black muggle tuxedo with a white shirt and black tie. He stared at her from head to toe, his eyes glittering with admiration and love for his girlfriend. She was dressed in a silver ankle length gown which was accompanied with matching silver heels. Her hair was placed in a beautiful chignon.   
“Gin… you look” He paused as if trying to find a word to describe how beautiful she was. “Gorgeous” He finally said.
“Thanks” she whispered as she shut the door and pecked him on the lips.
“So, where are we going?” She asked as they began to walk down the street. The sun was still shinning bright and the sky contained few clouds.
“Hmm, curious are we?” Harry teased with a slytherin-like smirk. They finally got to a secluded area. He slowly took her into his embrace, wrapping his arms around her before apparating.
As their feet hit the ground, a slow romantic music filled their ears. Ginny looked around and spotted various flowers; lilies, white and red roses, chrysanthemum, daises. A table for two was surrounded by these flowers. A waiter stood next to the table smiling at them. She took a few steps forward, looked down and squealed, while Harry chuckled behind her. He came closer and held her by her waist.
“Don’t tell me we are…” Her eyes reflected a mixture of excitement and surprise. Her voice was no louder than a whisper. Harry chuckled once more. “Welcome to Paris”
After having dinner, they decided to walk around taking in the beauty of Paris. They finally stopped at a pond watching the beautiful sunset. The sky was a mixture of gold, red, and pink. Ginny was watching the sky when she noticed Harry was staring as if he had just seen the most beautiful thing ever. Only he wasn’t staring at the sunset. He was staring at her.
He shifted his gaze to her lips and then back up to her brown eyes and she felt the sudden urge to kiss him. He brought his hand to her cheek and she melted into his touch. They both slightly parted their lips and brought them together. The kiss was a mixture of love and desire that they both felt. He tugged at her lower lip begging for entry and she didn’t resist to give him. He explored every nook and cranny of her mouth and she savored every taste. They finally broke apart and Harry got on one knee. He brought out a pitch black box from his pocket and Ginny gasped. Passersby stopped to watch the scene but the couple were in their whole world. All that mattered to Harry was the beautiful girl right in front of him and all that mattered to Ginny is the handsome man that is about to propose to her.
“Ginny, you are my one and only true love. My life is filled with different colours because you are in it. I love you and I will continue to love you till my death day. You are the only woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. I want to grow old with you, have children with you. I want you to be there when I get back from work to welcome me with your kisses full of love. So would you Ginevra Molly Weasley make me the happiest man on earth and marry me.”
For a moment Ginny didn’t say anything and Harry was about to break down, then she shouted
Harry got up, and slipped the silver ring on her finger and kissed her like he’s never kissed her before. Applauses could be heard from those who had been watching them and only when they broke apart did they notice them. Ginny took her time to examine the ring. She then noticed the words written on it.
“Always and Forever” Harry would love her Always and Forever
She felt like she would burst of happiness

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