Chapter 4 : Stalking

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Harry didn't seem shocked after hearing this news. He sighed and stared at the spot in which the patronus was for some minutes,then stood up and went inside.

"What's wrong mate?" Ron asked ,noticing the expression on Harry's face.

"Nothing"Harry managed to say without stammering. "Um...I gotta go somewhere. I'll be back soon."

"Where are you going"Hermione asked.

Harry sighed, knowing that sooner or later that question would come up. He was actually planning to go see Ginny but he didn't know where she lives. He didn't want to also Ron or Hermione because he wasn't sure if they'll support his decision of getting her back.

"I don't know." He replied honestly.

"She lives at 5 Ashwood(sorry, but I'm terrible at naming),goes for quidditch practice every week. She regularly goes to the three broomstick, so you can also check there."Ron said.

"Now go win her back"Hermione added.

Harry grinned at them and took his cloak,then apparated to her house. He threw the invisibility cloak over himself. He stood for sometime hoping she would come out and luckily she did. She casted a protective charm around her house and apparated and so did Harry.

They both landed on a quidditch pitch. Ginny greeted some people and went to get changed. Harry, still under his Invisibility cloak,looked around for some time before following Ginny. After she got ready,she took her broomstick and flew.

Harry watched her from under his cloak and smiled. A genuine smile. Her flaming red hair and her smile was worth dying for.

After she finished practicing, she went back to the changing room and changed. Ginny said her goodbyes and apparated away. Harry did the same .

Ginny entered the three broomsticks and so did Harry. She sat down and Harry sat next to her still under his cloak .The shop was almost empty. Harry was still busy staring that he didn't notice that his cloak had slipped from his face.

"Harry, I knew it. What are you doing here?" she asked, sounding angry.

"The same thing you are doing here, I suppose" he replied softly.

"You've been following me, haven't you?" she asked.

This time Harry didn't reply. He just stared at her brown eyes,in them he found happiness.

"Answer me" she almost yelled.

"Okay...fine...yes. I've been following you"

"Well,you better have a good reason why." She folded her arms, waiting for his explanation.

"Of course,I do"


"Why... because I love you that's why. "

Ginny kept quiet for some time and sighed.

"Well,I happen to have a boyfriend" she said softly

"I know but what about me?"


"What about me?What about how I feel?"

"Excuse me! but do I have to remind you that you abandoned me for almost two years now"

"Correction, one year and three months"

"It doesn't matter. You left .No one knew where you were .No letters ,nothing. The least you could have done was to tell us where you were,but you didn't. Then you return after all this time and you expect everything to be just as you left it. You were expecting to come back into my open arms,weren't you? But sorry to burst your bubble chosen one, but I've moved on. In fact, we've all moved on. You feel special, don't you? The boy who lived can't associate with the poor Weasleys, so he left. I loved you, we all loved you and I thought you loved me... But I guess I was wrong. How could I have been so stupid. "

"I do love you "he said defensively but she raised her hands up to silence him.

"I loved you since the first day I saw you. But you broke my heart too many times and now... I'm over you."Ginny said angrily.

She angrily wiped a single tear that dropped from her eyes.

Harry felt awful. 'Only if she knew what happened between that one year and three months' he thought.


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