John B served to the right whilst Brie served to the left, barely missing the trees that lined the side of the road. She skidded to a stop, adrenaline already pumping through her. John B was pulled over on the other side of the road, looking over at her, clearly trying to ask if she was alright. She swallowed sharply and nodded with a shaky sigh. That was close.

The other bike had stopped as well. Brie presumed they were either checking if they were okay or they were going to yell at her for driving in the middle of the road. Unfortunately, it was neither of those options. It was Barry.

John B quickly got out of the car as Barry got off his bike, giving Brie a deranged smile. He made his way towards her, making her stomach churn, but John B pushed him back, getting in between them.

"You fuckers think you can get away with stealing my money?" He demanded, "Huh?"

"You tried to rob us, remember?" Brie snapped, leaning her bike up by the side of the road and stepping closer to him. "You really think we would let that slide?"

"Do you know who I am, girl?" He snarled, "Do you know what I could have people do to you? You'll be wishing I shot you when you were all laying in that ditch like little bitches!"

Brie lunged forward to punch that stupid smirk off his face, but John B stopped her. He pulled the gun from the back of his shorts and held it up to Barry's face.

Barry gave a look of fear, quickly replaced with a cocky grin. John B clicked the safety off, making Brie nervous. She though he was just going to threaten him, not kill him right here in the middle of the road.

"John B," she hissed, "Cool it."

"You think you're a tough guy?" John B asked Barry pressing the barrel against his forehead, "If you think for one second that I wont blow your fucking brains out, then you're wrong. If you come near me or my friends again, I will kill you. You understand me?"

Barry laughed menacingly, making John B scowl. Brie tugged at John B's hand in frustration. She was not in the mood to be hiding a body right now.

"You're just a fucking poser," Barry spat, "Acting all big because you got your hands on a gun. Well let me tell you, you're going to struggle to keep up that act when my boys come for you."

Brie's heart pounded in her chest, feeling the fear creep up her throat. The gun wavered slightly in John B's hand.

"Maybe we'll start with her," he continued, cocking his head towards Brie, "Be a pity for you to come home and find her laying in a pool of her own blood."

Brie glared at him.

"Shut up!" John B yelled, trembling with anger.

"Or maybe your good pal blondie," Barry said, looking between them, "I already deal to his old man. Maybe I slip him an extra little something, make sure the kid's next beating is his last, huh?"

That was it for Brie. She snatched the gun from John B's hand and fired it at Barry's foot, watching him drop to the ground with a scream of pain. John B looked at her in horror, but she didnt care.

"You think we're a bunch of posers?" She asked Barry, hitting him over the head with the end of the gun. He let out a groan and clutched his face in his hands. "Well I promise you that I wont hesitate to put a bullet through your skull if you so much as look at one of us ever again. Got that?"

Barry grunted in pain, holding his bloody foot.

"You fucking bitch!" He screamed, "I'll fucking kill you!"

Brie aimed the gun at Barry's bike, giving him a sarcastic smile. A look of fear crossed his face as Brie squeezed her finger over the trigger and the bike exploded into flames.

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