Chapter 25 - Max Finds Out

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A/N - I've Got A Storyline Coming Up Based On One From Series 2. Anyways I Hope You Like This Update xoxo.

Chloe hadn't told Max about the miscarriage and if she was honest she didn't want too. Since the car accident she hadn't wanted to do anything and Rachel was getting worried about her. That day Chloe was going into school with her mum "Chloe come on, time to go" Chloe got off her bed and went downstairs with Aubree "you alright?" Chloe nodded "I'm fine" Rachel smiled "Chlo is going back to school today" Chloe again just nodded "Chloe was the baby Max's?" Chloe rolled her eyes "you know it was" Rachel nodded "let's go yeah".

Arriving at school Chloe saw Bolton "you alright C?" Chloe nodded "yeah" Bolton smiled "look I'm sorry about what happened" Chloe sighed "look I don't wanna talk about it" Bolton frowned "Chloe" Chloe glared "you caused an accident! You weren't paying attention to the road" Bolton was getting angry "it wasn't my fault" Chloe rolled her eyes "yes it was! You were driving!".

Max arrived at school and heard Chloe shouting, he heard about the car accident caused by Bolton, he decided to see what she was yelling at Bolton about "Chloe stop going on at me! It wasn't my fault" Chloe scoffed "whose fault was it then?" Bolton shrugged "I don't know" Chloe glared "you killed someone that night" Max frowned as did Bolton "who?" "My baby" Max was confused "Aubs wasn't there" Chloe rolled her eyes "I know she wasn't!" "Well then" Chloe glared "my unborn baby!" Bolton felt guilty "you were pregnant?" "Yeah was" Chloe walked away not knowing Max had heard everything.

Chloe was waiting in the common room for either Chlo or Charlotte, as she was waiting Kim walked in "Chloe, how are you?" Chloe shrugged "fine I guess" Kim smiled "this is gonna be hard for you, but I'm here if you need too talk" Chloe nodded "thanks miss" Kim left the common room and Chlo walked in "Chlo" Chlo walked over to Chloe "alright?" Chloe nodded "stomach aches like mad" Chlo smiled "you've covered up the cuts well" Chloe sighed "I know, I shouldn't hide it but its scary" Chlo smiled again "I know, too think we almost died" Chloe felt tears sting her eyes "can we not talk about it?" Chlo nodded "where's Charlotte?" "Behind you" Chlo turned and saw Charlotte "you alright?" Charlotte nodded "shocked more than anything" Charlotte looked at Chloe "have you told him?" Chloe shook her head "I don't want too" Charlotte smiled "he has a right too know though" chloe shrugged "no".

Max sat in the office not believing that Chloe had been pregnant and lost the baby "Joyce can you get Chloe Mason up here right away?" "Yes Mr.Tyler". 10 minutes later Chloe walked in "what?" Max frowned "you were pregnant?" Chloe nodded "who told you?" Max looked at her "I heard you telling Smilie about it" Chloe sighed "is that it?" Max glared "you were pregnant and you never told me?" Chloe scoffed "how could I have told you if I didn't know?!" Max rolled his eyes "that was 4days ago Chloe you should have told me" Chloe looked at him "whatever" Chloe was about to leave when Max grabbed her and roughly kissed her "stop doing that! Seriously" Max smirked "its my office" Chloe scoffed "its my mum's office aswell and anyone could walk in" Chloe pushed him off her "stop, just stop".

Chloe left the office and saw Bolton "where you headed?" "Tyler wants me" Chloe nodded "see ya" "Chloe wait" Chloe turned to him "what?" Bolton sighed "I'm sorry" Chloe sighed "I will forgive you but I won't forget" Chloe walked off.

Chloe saw Charlotte sitting outside "what's wrong?" Charlotte looked at Chloe with tears "I think I fancy Tom" Chloe sighed "listen, I know how you feel, been there, actually still there now" Charlotte smiled "we make a right pair, both kissed teachers" Chloe laughed "come on, cheer up, you've always got me" Charlotte grinned "thanks" Chloe smiled "for what?" Charlotte shrugged "being there for me, when my parents died and now" Chloe smiled "always here for you" Charlotte hugged Chloe "you are the bestest mate anyone could have".

Chloe and Charlotte carried on sitting outside when Chlo joined them "come on" Chlo sat with them "we're a right bunch aren't we?" Chlo smiled "yeah" Chloe grinned "hey we're the three C's" Charlotte laughed.

Max sat in the office when Rachel walked in "I know" Rachel frowned "know what?" "About Chloe's miscarriage" Rachel sighed "she told you? Max shook her head "I heard her telling Smilie" Rachel nodded "right, she didn't know until after it happened" Max sighed "Rachel the fact she got in that car with Smilie was thoughtless to anyone else, what if she would have died?" Rachel frowned "Max, Chloe didn't know what was going to happen, none of them did" Max scoffed "Smilie knew the risk he took when he had that car and started drinking" Rachel rolled her eyes "well I'm sure Bolton feels guilty but" Max interupted her "guilty? He could of killed your daughter and the mother of mine not to mention 3 other pupils, he should be excluded" Rachel glared "every pupil deserves a chance at redemption" Max smirked "have you forgotten about the ethanol?" "No I haven't but I also know that Bolton didn't mean that" "at the end of the day Max, Bolton has improved a lot" Max rolled his eyes and walked out the office determined to get Bolton excluded.

Chloe went home that afternoon feeling tired "Chloe you alright?" Chloe nodded "I wanna go to sleep" Rachel sighed "go on, I'll wake you for dinner" Chloe smiled and went up to bed where she fell into a restless sleep. When she woke she saw a text from Charlotte -

Lottie - Hope Ur Okaay, Xo

Chloe - I'm fine, thanks, Xo

Lottie - good, I do worry Xo

Chloe - Bless Ya, I'm All good xo

Lottie - okay, text u later, I'm on a fridge raid xo

Chloe went downstairs and saw her mum "nice sleep?" Chloe shrugged "suppose so" Rachel smiled "you'll be alright soon" "hope so"

A/N - I'm So Excited For A Storyline Coming Up, If You Wanna Know Then PM Me. But Anyways, Hope You Likeed The Update xoxo

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